Chapter 37- Hero

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Connor woke and groaned, finding the bed next to him empty. He stretched before reluctantly getting out of bed to find Ava. He quickly showered and changed into his scrubs, going into the kitchen to get breakfast started.
"Morning" Connor smiles as Ava strolls into the kitchen after him, holding out her coffee for her.
"You're up early" Ava takes the cup and sips her warm drink.
Connor touches the side of her head, kissing her forehead.
"Brekkie's on the table"
"Brekkie?" Ava questions, wrapping an arm around him.
"Brekkie" Ava chuckled putting on a mock America accent, reluctantly leaving his embrace.

Connor and Ava ate their breakfast together, grabbing their bags to head off to work.
"Come on" he patted her hip as she slung her bag over her shoulder.
Connor drove them to the hospital and they walked into the ED together.
"Dr. Rhodes, T3!" Maggie shouted from the station.
Ava took his bag from him and his jacket, "Go" she pushed him towards the room.
Ava went into the doctors lounge, to put his things away.
"Hey Nat" Ava smiled as she went in, opening Connors locker she placed his things inside.
"You know Connors locker code?" She questioned, sipping her coffee.
"Uh, yeah" Ava nodded closing it again.
Natalie raised her eyebrow and squinted up Ava.
"We're friends" she defended shortly.
Natalie nodded and Ava shrugged her bag higher on her shoulder, leaving the ED for the CT floor.

Ava was at her desk when she heard a familiar buzz around the hospital.

Mass casualty

Ava flew down the stairs into the ED immediately getting to work.
"Take her to a free OR" she command.
"There's none free!"
"Make one free!" She called back.

There was a pop in the hallway and Ava came running out of her trauma bay. There was a small fire on the floor. Ava grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the flame.
"How did that happen!" She exclaimed.
"A bag of hand sanitizer popped and someone dropped a cigarette into it" a new nurse explained.
"That's okey, who was smoking?"
"Him" the nurse sighed, nodding her head and taking the extinguisher.
"What are you doing, this while hospital is a smoke free zone. Take it outside!" Ava shouted, walking past the man to a new bay.

"I need a tourniquet!" Ava shouted, crinkling her nose to push her protective glasses higher up on her nose.
"We're out!"
Ava grabbed the bed sheet, ripping the fabric into a rectangle. She wrapped it around the patients leg and secured it with a pen from her breast pocket.
"Go!" She sent the patient off. He was one of the last few patients, Ava retreated to the doctors lounge, feeling the adrenaline leaving her body.

The door swung open behind her and Connor appeared.
"You were some hero out there. Stopping fires, making tourniquets, saving lives"
Connor wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin in her head.
"My girl" he muttered, running his hand through her hair.
Ava looked up to Connor, her mouth hanging open slightly in shock. Connor was going to say something before she pressed her lips to his, silencing his worries.
"I need to check up on a few patients. You go home, I'll catch the train later" she pulled back slightly, only to lean in and kiss him again.
"Don't be too long" he asked.
"I won't" Ava kissed him.

Ava got the train home alone, it wouldn't have taken too long to check up in all her patients, she could have asked Connor to wait and he would have. On days like this though she liked to be alone after work for a while, she closed her eyes, letting the movement of the train soothe her. Ava got off at her stop and walked the five blocks to their apartment, letting herself in.
"Welcome home" Connor smiled as she came in the door.
"Hi" Ava smiled, Connor came over and took her in his arms.
Ava zipped off her jacket and hung it up, carefully lining up her shoes with the rest of them.
Connor leaned in to brush his lips to hers but Ava dodged him.
"I'm going to have a shower" she stroked his cheek.
"Okey" he whispered, kissing her forehead.

Ava stripped off, untying her hair from its ponytail she stepped into the en-suite bathroom in Connors room. She turned on the hot water and let the bathroom feel with steam. She stepped under the water, letting it saturate her hair. Ava tilted her head back, letting the water massage her back. Ava gasped, opening her eyes as they burned with tears. She crossed her arms over herself, shivering violently despite the hot water. Ava tilted her head forehead, leaning it against the moist tiles as she sobbed softly.

Ava inhaled sharply as a hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her back.
"Sh, sh, sh. It's me Ava" he soothed, pulling her to the side of the shower.
"It's okey" he smoothed our her soggy curls.
Connor pulled back, stripping off his shirt and joggers, stepping into the shower with Ava. He held her in his arms, turning down the temperature of the hot water with his free hand. Ava cried into his shoulders, wrapping her arms around him.
"I'm sorry" she whispered.
"It's alright" he assured her. "How many did you loose?"
"Twenty" she said into his neck, shutting her eyes tight.
"Eighteen" he nodded, his own tears pooling in his eyes.
"Come here" Ava held him closer.

The nice things about Connors en-suite was that it had dual shower heads. When they were dating for the first time they would often spend too much time in the shower every morning together, messing and playing.
Connor slipped of his now soaked boxers, tossing them out of the shower, closing the door behind them to keep the heat in he turned on the other shower head. He rested his chin off Ava's head as they cried together after the difficult day.

Ava took a wash cloth from the rack and wiped down the slope of Connors neck, moving down to his chest and arms. Connor did the same, dapping a bit of her vanilla shower gel on the cloth, running it over her skin. There was nothing sexual about this, they just needed to be near each other, to hold each other. When Connor and Ava stepped out they wrapped themselves in fluffy white robes. Connor walked behind Ava, his arms wrapped around her. Ava took a t-shit from her pyjamas draw and tied up her hair before laying back on the bed. Connor lay with her and Ava pulled her head onto his chest.

Connor exhaled shortly and closed his eyes.
"You used to cry in the shower" he stated, just barely opening his eyes he looked down at the space between them.
"A lot. Your hair would always be wet after"
Ava opened and closed her mouth, "I tried to be quite"
"I heard" he kissed the top of her head, opening his eyes fully. "It broke my heart to not able able to do anything then"
"This is all I need, now" she snuggled closer to him. "My Cowboy"

"We did good today, Ava" he told her, rubbing her back.
"We did good"

A/n: hi guys, I know updates have been a little all over the place, I should be getting back on schedule soon. Just wanted to cheek in, see how everyone's liking the story.

Happy holidays ❤️

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