Chapter 24- Roomates

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The same day Ava finished packing her things and was set to move in with Connor. Connor pushed open the dark wooden door to the only room in Connors apartment Ava had never been in. 
"So this is you" he told her, carrying her bag in.
"Connor I can carry my own suitcases" she told him, pushing her other suitcase into the room with a duffle bag on top.
"I know, I know. You're a strong independent women" he wave his hand, walking over to the wardrobe. He opened the door, "I'll get you some hangers from mine" he said, gesturing to the empty rail. Ava looked around the room, it was big, like everything in Connors apartment. The bed could easily fit four people and was accompanied by a small sofa and desk. Their were long translucent curtains that fell to the ground, obscuring the window. Pulling them back Ava was met with the skyline of Chicago that she loved. Ava's apartment, well, old apartment, sat on the fourth floor; were as Connors was on the twenty-third, offering stunning views of Chicago.

Ava turned back to the window to spot Connor next to her bed, smiling contently at her.
"Here are some towels and hangers. You can stay as long as wish, until you find another place. And you can move out whenever you want"
"No strings attached" he clarified.
Ava nodded, walking towards him.
"Okey, but I am living here so I'll pay rent"
"Mortgage is payed off" He told her.
Ava nodded, in no way surprised. "Then I'll contribute to food shopping and other expenses" she suggested.
Connor nodded, "okey"
They gazed at each other for a moment, this had been happening a lot lately, they would stand in each others presence in silence, at a loss for words.

"Thank you, for everything" Ava says suddenly, blinking her gaze away. Although she looked away from Connor she suddenly found herself closing the space between them, wrapping her arms around him. Connor put his arms around her waist, and Ava could feel him smile behind her back.
"Not just the bandages this time?"
Ava laughed into his shoulder, shaking her head, "no, not just the bandages"
They stayed like that for a moment longer then was appropriate before pulling away.
"I'll let you rest" he excused himself, slipping out the door.

Ava got changed into a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants while she unpacked a few things.
"I'll just stay here until I find a new place" she told herself, not unpacking all of her things just yet. Ava set her medicine out on her bedside table, most of which were to be taken before bed or early in the morning. Ava pulled her legs onto the bed and lay down on top of the covers. Ava always found Connors mattress too soft, and would normally fall asleep with at lest half her body on top of Connor; with no object from him. Just like his, this mattress was like a cloud, which Ava actually welcomed with her tired mussels. Without even meaning to Ava fell asleep, her eyes still resting on that Chicago skyline.

When Ava woke up she had a stabbing migraine behind her left eye. Wincing away from the little light that was left coming through her window Ava turned to her nightstand. Reaching out a shaky hand Ava moved two of the viles out of the way to get the one she needed. With tremors in her hand she latched onto it, only for it to roll and drop out of her hand with two others onto the floor.
"Dam it" she breathed, trying to muster some strength to sit up.
"Ava?" Came a voice from the hall. Connor had heard the faintest of thumps from her room. He opened her door that was a jar, spotting the viles on the floor.
"It hurts" she whimpered, Connor could see the tears in her eyes.
Connor crouched down next to her, picking up the bottles.
"Which one Ava?"
"Head" Ava said clenching her fists.

Connor took out the little bag of needles that the hospital had given her. Careful in measuring out her dosage that was listed on the bag, Connor rolled up her sleeve. He rubbed the skin on the inside of her elbow for a second before sliding the tip of the needle under her skin. Connor put her used needle into a hazardous waste bag and set it on her bedside table. He sat up on the edge of the bed with her, holding her hand. Ava mussels relaxed as the pain subsided and she could blink her eyes open again.
She groaned to herself, opening her eyes fully. "This is exactly what I didn't want, to be a burden"
Connor gazed down at her on the bed, his eyes were soft and caring, lacking pity.
"You could never be a burden to me, Ava" he told her, pulling her arm up, he placed his lips gently on the inside of her wrist. Ava blushed at the feeling, butterfly's swarming her stomach as she glanced out the window to avoid his eye.

"This is exactly why I wanted you to move in, what would have happened if you were alone?" He asked softly, sounding very concerned at the idea. Connor ran his fingers across hers as Ava thought.
"Do you think your okey to stand?"
Ava nodded and Connor let go of her hand. She placed both feet on the ground and pushed herself up. Connor placed a hand on her back to catch her incase she should fall.
"I'm okey"
"No nausea, dizziness?"
"I'm okey Dr. Rhodes, I just slept through my alarm to take my meds"
Connor nodded and sat up.
"I'll get started on dinner" Connor turned to leave.
Ava caught his wrist, "no I'll cook"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I haven't cooked in months. I've already taken your spare room, the least I can do is cook for you Connor"
"There's pasta in the pantry"
"Okey, Let me just get changed into something comfortable" Ava edged him out the door.

Ava threw on some sweatpants to go with her hoodie, tying her hair into a bun she went into the kitchen. Ava cooked them a pasta dish with garlic bread. Connor watched her from the sofa, a Blackhawks game was on but Ava was much more interesting then the match. He loved watching her cook when they were together, he'd stand behind her and tie up her hair when she forgot to do so. Connor watched her now, how her hips move, how her expressions changed as she tasted the food and how she looked glancing back at the game every so often. Connor realised what he was doing, forcing his eyes back onto the game he took a sip of his beer.

"Two meals in one day, aren't you a great roommate?" He teased her, sitting at the dinner table as Ava slid a pasta bowl in-front of him.
"Thank you, Ava"
Ava sat across from him, digging into her own dinner.
"It's like being in collage again, only with better meals" he said, smiling to himself, he missed her cooking.
"I can't imagine Connor Rhodes having many roommates in his life" she smirked to him.
"I did, in fact. I have had two roommates and I was in a fraternity for a year in college"
Ava chuckled to herself.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing" Ava shook her head, "I can see you in a frat"
"Oh yeah, what was your collage life like?"
"Well we don't have frats for one. But we had have highest quality tertiary education system in Africa. So a lot of studying, people came from all over for collage"
"So high pressure environment, kids getting away from home for the first time. That would equal a lot of house parties I can imagine?"
"I may have frequented one or two"
"Ava I've seen you at a nightclub, that was more then one or two parties" he confronted her.
"I didn't party during the school year, but I let loose during the summer" she admitted, taking a sip of her water.

"So what about you, ever lived with someone before?"
Ava paused, chewing slowly before answering. "Yeah, just an ex-boyfriend for a few years through collage"
"Living independently through collage, that's nice"
"Yeah I've been independent since I was 19"
"Oh, sorry. Is there a reason, if you don't mind me asking of course"
"My farther passed away suddenly, my mother passed when I was about 7. So I was alone, everything was left with me, including a house with a paid off mortgage"
"I thought your farther lived in New Zealand?"
"Yes, my biological farther lives in New Zealand, but Alan raised me after my ma died"
Connor nodded taking in the new information, he hadn't realised have had been alone for so long.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Connor suggested, getting up to take their empty plates.
"No, sorry. I just really tiered, ICU sleep isn't real sleep. Maybe tomorrow?"
"Yeah, that's no trouble"
And there it was again, another long gaze.
"Goodnight" Ava whispered.

A/n: thank you so much for 1k!❤️

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