Chapter 64- Found out

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Jay woke to his alarm, rubbing his eyes he rolled over to cuddle Hailey. Going to give her a good morning kiss he found the bed empty. Suppressing his panic he made his way out of their bedroom and into the living room, spotting the blonde sprayed out on the sofa, surrounded by files, beer bottles and packet of chips.

"Hails, Hails, wake up" he shook her slightly.
"Mhm?" Hailey slowly opened her eyes.
"What's wrong" she yawned.
"You can sleep on the sofa, you'll hurt your neck. Come back to bed" he hooked an arm around her shoulders, letting her put her weight on him as he walked her back to their bedroom. Haliey climbed in, tucking the comforter around her Jay moved to leave the room before a hand caught his.
"No good morning kiss?" Haliey asked with her eyes still closed.
Jay leaned in and kissed her forehead, "good morning, baby"
A smile spread over Haliey lips as Jay left her to shower and get ready for work. He make breakfast, making a portion of oats and leaving it in the oven with a note for Hailey to heat up later.

Jay took his coffee and left the house quietly, driving in the dark to the station.
He walked up to the station in the cold passing two teens making-out outside it.
"Hey, take it somewhere else" he moved them along before stepping into the warm of the station.
"Hey Trudy" he smiled to the officer.
"Why are you getting my favourite detective back to me Chuckles?"
"You know way she's like when she gets set on a case" he shook his head, buzzing himself into the upstairs section of the precinct.

"Good morning everyone, Halstead" Hank said as Jay came up the stairs late.
"I was talking to Trudy" he put his hand up in the air, taking his seat.
"Fine, as always our top priority is finding Ava, we need a breakthrough in this case, and soon" he stressed.

Jay picked up where he left off, reviewing his case files. They knew Ava was alive, or she was a few days ago. They just needed to find out where the truck had went. Jay studied forensics from the scene, pictures of difference truck threads that went in and out of that lot. He studied footage for the surrounding roads but nothing stuck out to him, there was trucks after truck on these roads, no way to tell what they were carrying.

"We set up road blocks around the area" Hank came up to tell him.
"Set it up as a cease and search for drugs"
"Anything come of it?"
"No" Hank shook his head, "too little to late. They were well gone by the looks of it"
"How's haliey's case going, have you heard anything from her about it?"
"Yeah you know what she's like, none stop work. Just one second, I'll be back" Jay excused himself.
Jay went into the break room, closing the bathroom door behind him he took out his phone.


You 10.07am
Hey baby, Breakfast in oven 
Love you😍

Babe ❤️ 13.01pm
Thanks Jay, I got it. Love you x

Jay smiled, happy to see Haliey had found the food he had made for her. Presuming she would be researching all day from wanting to work on her case, he put his phone away and went back out to the bull pen.


At the end of his shift Jay drove home, happy to go and see his girlfriend after a long days work.
"Haliey? I'm home" Jay called, hanging up his jacket.
"Haliey?" He said again after receiving no answer.
Jay took out his phone and dialled Haliey's number. It rang several times before Haliey picked up.
"Hey Jay" she said, sounding somewhat out of breath.
"Hey Baby, where are you?" Jay looked into he fridge for what he could put on for dinner.
"Oh, sorry. I though I'd be back before you came home. I was following up on a lead for my case, long story short it was a dead end" she sighed, rubbing her eyes.
"I'm sorry babe" jay switched the phone to his other hand, leaning on the door.
"I'm on my way home now, I'll tell you everything when I get back"
"Okey, I'll see you then. Hey what are you feeling for dinner?"
"I'll pick something up, save you from needing to cook. Wendy's sound good to you?"
"That sounds great, but I thought you liked when I cooked for you, Detective Upton" he teased her.
"You know I love your waffles more then anything baby" Haleiy smiled.
"I know, I'll see you soon. Drive safe, Hails"
"I love you. Bye"

Jay hung up and went to his bag, taking out the case file he'd made on tracking down Ava. He sat down at the table with a whiskey. Jay scanned the imagines of her motel room before it got trashed, the photos of Florence, and read over the messages; but no matter what he did his eyes always came back to Ava's face, it was the same imagine they had on her board. There was an arm around her shoulders and she was leaning into someone, Jay presumed it to be Connor.
"I'm sorry" he whispered.

The door opened next to him and Jay sat up.
"Hey I'm home-"
"What's wrong" haliey face fell.
"Nothing, nothing. Just reading over Ava's file" Jay ran a hand over his face, sliding the file into his bag.
"We'll find her" she put a hand on his back, kissing his cheek.

"Whiskey and Wendy's, mmhm?"
Jay titled his head into hers, kissing her lips, "I missed you"
"I missed you more" she kissed him back before pulling away.

She unpacked the food she had bought, laying the paper bags out to cover the table. Jay poured her a glass of whiskey and set it next to her, receiving a kiss of the cheek as a thank you.
"Trudy was asking after you" he told her, stealing some of her fries.
"Set along from an officer, really?" She joked.
"I'll give Trudy a call later, I have seen her in a while"
They finished their burger and fries together, with Hailey repeatedly swatting Jay's has away from her fries.

After dinner Haliey cuddle up to Jay on the sofa, her back against his chest and his arm around her waist. The watched a short repeated of some old sit com to relax themselves before bed. Jay was unaware of most of the plot. Busy planting kisses on Haliey's and fiddling with her hair.
"Let's go to bed" she squeezed his hand before sitting up.
Jay followed behind her, brushing his teeth and changing into a pair of night shorts. Jay was sat in bed, with Haliey finishing washing her face when he relied he was missing something.
"Hey Babe?" He called, "have you seen my badge?"
His gun was away it it's safe, and his belt and holster were laid out on his dresser.
"Where did you last see it?" She asked.
"Eh, oh, it's in my jacket, can you get it for me?"
"Hey, no problem" Haliey moves to the living room, checking every pocket in his jacket she couldn't find it. Giving up she moved to check his bag. Finding it almost instantaneously, she found something else that didn't belong there.

"Jay, Why do you have a picture from my case?" Haliey stormed back into the room, holding up a photo.
Jay shook his head, "that's mine, she's connected to my case"
"This is Florence Newtown, I'm investigating her disappearance as part of an organ trafficking case" Haliey told him, a sense of panic rising in the air.
Jay froze, "she was found with Ava's hoodie"
"Oh my god" Haliey stepped back, her hand shaking around the paper.
"Their connected, the case are connected"
"We need to find Ava" he told her, springing out of bed to get dressed.
"We need to bring them all home, call Hank, I'll get my case files!" Haliey flew down the hall.


Everyone stood in the station in the early hours of that morning, including Conor. Watching as Haliey carefully laid out her files on the floor, of different faces from different states, some marked with red and some with blue. She laid one last file down with more care, Jay recognising  the image immediately.

Bekker, Ava

The imagine was taken from Ava's medical ID, a soft smile on her face and clear eyes. Hailey sat back up and stood with the group.
"Red is deceased, blue is believed to be alive. Black circle is believed to still be in states lines, back arrow is outside state lines"

"So you think that Avas case and" Connor gestured to the floor, "are the same case?"
"Yes" Hailey confirmed, "Florence Newton's remains we sent to make who ever was looking for Ava believe her to be dessced"
A shiver ran down Jays spine as Hailey said that, he was certain Connor felt the same.

"Do you have any suspects, or leads?"
"Yes" she confirmed, "one big lead actually, we have a suspected, Mason Anderson" she said, sticking a photo of him to the bulletin board. "We believe is one of the ring leaders"
Anderson, why was that name familiar...
"What, Anderson like?" Connor said in disbelief.
"The mayors son" she confirmed.

A/n: different point of view then normal, you have no idea how many times I base to go back and edit this because I said Ava instead of Hailey. 🥴
Have a great day 😗

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