Chapter 34-Getting better

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Ava opened her eyes slowly, shutting them again where she was hit with a stream of light. She could feel warmth next to her and thought about what it could be.

Oh the guy from the date, right, right, right. Turtle man 🐢

Ava rolled over slightly, wanting to stay close to the only source of heat. As she rolled over she was hit with all too familiar cologne.
"Connor?" She inhaled, opening her eyes sleepily.
"Expecting a different man?" Connor asked, brushing some hair out of her face.
Ava shook her head timidly, suddenly shy as the memories of last night came back to her.

"You're thinking too much Bekker" he told her stroking her cheek.
Connor tilting his head down closer to hers, Ava looked up to him and nodded. Connor pressed his lips to hers again. Ava smiled, breaking the kiss. Connor put his hand on her hip, pulling her onto his lap. Ava kissed him again and again, waking up more and more each time.
"I take it I'm not going back to my room then?" Ava pulled back, smiling coyly.
"No, no you are not" he kissed her neck after every word.

Ava kissed his lips one last time before moving to shift off his lap.
"Where are you going?" He asked, catching her wrist.
"To get ready for work, that place we go?" She reminded him.
"We have time" he rubbed his hands up and down her arms.
Ava glanced at the clock and realised they did have plenty of time before work started.
"I just want to keep you close" he admitted, causing Ava to smile.
She slipped off his lap and lay next to him, cuddling into his chest.
Connor ran a hand through her hair, kissing her temple as he wished he had done the first night they'd slept together.

They lay in silence, with Ava listing to his heartbeat until he spoke.
"Are you okey after last night?" He asked, still stroking her skin.
Ava tilted her head up so she could look up at him.
"You know, don't you" she said. "About your father" It wasn't a question, she already knew the answer.
"Daniel didn't tell me, I asked if he hand done something like that to you. I could see it on Daniels face that you had told him something" Ava listened silently to his explanation.
"Don't loses trust in him, please keep going to him"
"I will" Ava said quietly looking down at his chest, afraid to meet his eyes.
Ava fiddled with the hem of Connors shirt that she had found herself in during the night. Connor stroked her hair and cheeks, sensing their was something she wanted to say.
"I had an abortion" she said in a voice just loud enough for Connor to hear.

Everything seemed to stop as she said that, "Oh, Avey" Connor pulled Ava closer to him, closing the already small distance between them. Connor closed his eyes, tears burning in them as he realised the severity of the event. Ava clung to him, shivering slightly. She felt safe here, in the quite of his room, under their duvet.
"Avery" he fought to keep his voice steady, stroking her hair. "When was this?"
"A bit before we got together. I wanted it to be yours, so badly. But there, there was no way" she shook her head.
"You should have told me" he rested his chin on top of her head.
Ava only shook her head under him.
"Who brought you home?" Connor rubbed her back.
"The only person I knew wouldn't tell anyone" she wiped her eye.

"Ah, Dr. Bekker, I see you've scheduled yourself in for a day off tomorrow" Dr. Lathem told her, approaching her at her computer.
"Yes, I'm afraid I would be reachable for the day" she shut off her computer.
"Yes, I couldn't help but recognise the address, it's a clinic" he nodded.
Ava sighed and looked around, only to find them alone.
"Look, Dr. Lathem with all due respect if you're here to talk me out of it I don't want to hear it" she snapped.
"On no, quite the contrary. I've volunteered at that clinic as a chaperone before. It's Jewish owned. I was wondering if you needed someone to drive you home, or would the father be available?"
"Uh, no. I mean yes, I need someone to drive me home. No, no the father will not be there" Ava stumbled over her words, surprised by this encounter. Kicking herself for not realising that she wouldn't be able to drive home.
"Okey, when is your appointment?"
"I can drop you off and collect you if you would like?"
"No, no thank you. If you could just pick me up that would be fine"
"Thank you, Dr. Lathem"

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