Chapter 4- Waiting

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Connor had spent to most the day in Ava's room, content with just being close with her, and knowing she was safe. Even when hospital visiting hours were long over no one came to shew Connor away, knowing he was one of them.
It was going on seven pm when Connor hunger finally overtook him, having not eaten all day. Making his way down the hall to a vending machine Connor picked up a sandwich and a bottle of water. Turning quickly he wanted to get back to avas room, but was stopped when he saw a familiar face.

"Dr. Latham?"
"Ah Dr.Rhodes, it's good to see you" he greeted him "I hope you were happy with the news about Dr.Bekker"
"Happy, I'm overjoyed. I really through we had lost her until I came to say my goodbyes" Connor admitted.
"Yes, with your sudden departure from the hospital I thought it best to send a digital text message informing you of the information"
"Yes, I received it this morning, Thank you"
"Would you suspect Lazarus syndrome?"
"That is my conclusion yes, it rare, but it happens"

Connor smiled before throwing his arms around Dr.Lathem.
"Dr. Rhodes are you feeling quite all right, your acting in an unusual manner" Lathem patted his back.
"I'm fine, Dr. Lathem. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you" Connor told him sincerely, before returning to Ava's room.


It was the day before Connor was due back in work and Ava still showed now sign of waking. Spending another day alone in her room, just him and his thoughts. Connor felt defeated, he was loosing hope of Ava making a recovery, even in these early days.
Connor ran his fingers through Ava's soft hair, absentmindedly running his fingertips down her cheek. Catching serval small sections of Ava's hair, he loosely braided them together, brushing his work behind her ear.
"Dr. Rhodes"
Connor pulled his fingers away suddenly, feeling vulnerable preforming such a gesture.
Sharron let herself into the room, looking down at Ava.
"PD is here, they would like to speak with you" she informs him. Connor looks back to Ava, giving her hand a final squeeze, Stay strong Avery

Connor left Sharron and Ava alone to go talk to PD. Sharron listed to the sound of the ventilator keeping Ava alive. Silently walking over to Ava Sharron took her hand, "I'm sorry Ava, I failed you. I promised myself that this would never happen again" Sharron told her quietly. The only sound that followed was that of the ventilator, as was to be expected. Exhaling shortly through her nose Sharron dropped Ava's hand again. Composing herself she returned to her work at Med.

"Connor" Jay greeted him as he walked into the conference room. They hugged each other briefly before sitting at the large oval table.
"As you know this interview is in relation to the events that took place in the OR on September 25th 2019. Can you please run me through what happened" Jay asked.
Connor inhaled sharply, trying to find a place to start, "It was moments after I received the news of the insulin used to kill my farther being traceable. Upon hearing the news Dr.Bekker looked incredibly guilty and regretful, she quickly left for the OR. Once in their a brief fight broke out, Ava said we could have been so happy together, and that I was an ungrateful prick"
"She said that she did for me" Connor added quietly, chilled by the words.

Jay nodded grimly, disturbed by this case. "So she did it, didn't she, killed him" Connor said to no one in particular.
"We don't know that, this supposed confession wouldn't stand up in court. Ava never openly said that she killed your farther, or explained how she did it" Jay told him, not wanting Connor to jump to conclusions.
"What's going to happen to her"
"Well for now we'll have to place hand cuffs on her, as she's wanted for questioning if she wakes. And than after that, it's just a chance of finding out the truth" Jay explained simply.
"Is that everything detective Halstead?" Connor asked politely.
"Yes, that's everything Dr.Rhdoes"

Stopping by Ava room one last time before heading home Connor gazed down at the women below him. She seemed is peaceful and calm like this, if it wasn't for the breathing tube she could have been mistaken for sleeping. Chicago Med's sleeping beauty.

Could this women, the women he once loved, really be a stone cold killer?
That was the question that would play on Connors mind for the next few weeks.

Could Ava have done this?

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