Chapter 88- Confession

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Ava and Natalie had grown closer since her return. Often spending their lunch breaks together and speaking long after their shifts ended. Today was no different, with Connor and Ava having different breaks she found herself in the company of her first girl friend in Chicago.
"That's good to know" Ava nodded, taking in the information for the evening.
"Do you want to do something?"
"I would love to but my mother-in-law in coming over for dinner with Owen and I. Another time though"
"Well I should be getting back. I'll talk to you later" Ava touched her friends hand before leaving the table with her tray.

With a little time to spare at the end of her shift while waiting for Connor she ran to a grocery store a few blocks away.
"Hey" she smiled, spotting him as she came back into the doctors lounge.
"Hi" he kissed her, touching her cold cheek.
"Were you outside?"
"Yeah, I just ran to the shops while I waited for you" she said, stepping back as he closed his locker. He took her bag from her hand, slipping it on his shoulder she wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"Let's go home" he kissed her temple. They said goodbye to their friends and bundled into the car.
"When does it get warm in this city?" She muttered sadly, suddenly missing the waves and beach's of home. Connor who had already turned on the heated seats for her took her hand, kissing her knuckles. "You know I won't let you get cold"
Ava smiled contently, closing her eyes as they drove in the dark. Connor parked in the underground car park, cutting the engine.
Connor took Ava's hands rushing them through the car park.
"Connor!" She laughed, running with him.
"What are you doing"
They rushed into the elevator, turning Connor scooped her into his arms.
"I promised not the let you get cold" he said, pressing his lips to hers.
"You're crazy" she breathed, hitting the button behind her back to get the lift moving.
Connor eventually returned her to her feet, kissing each other slowly, staying close in each others arms.

They doors pinged open and they separated, holding hands as they left the elevator.
They took a few steps down the hall before realising something was wrong.
"This isn't our floor" she breathed.
"No, it is not" he confirmed, turning back to the lift.
"In my defence I was terribly distracted" she lured him back in, pressing their lips together. As Connor reached behind her to hit the correct button.

They let themselves into the apartment, shedding their winter jackets for a hot shower after work. Ava used the en-suite bathroom as she needed to wash her hair, scrunching her curls dry with a T-shirt. She met Connor in the kitchen who had made a quick dinner for Ava.

"Will and I are going to go to Molly's and catch the Blackhawks game" hoping their team would redeem themselves after their last match.
"Okey. I'll miss you" she kissed him quickly.
"I know you heard about this from Natalie at lunch. I'm sure you have plans"
"Who me? Ava blinked innocently.
"Don't think I didn't see that biltong and chocolate hidden away"
"I don't know what your talking about Dr. Rhodes" she put her hands to his shoulders, bring their lips together.
"But you know you can always join me if things get rough at the bar"
"Goodbye" he muttered.
"Bye" she realised him as he stole one last kiss. "Be safe"
"Always" he took her hand, kissing the back of her knuckles.


Ava had the night to herself, laying in the sofa and watching her shows she stayed curled under the blanket for the night. She had her chocolate and biltong, her mussles relaxing into the sofa, never wanting to leave this position.

Connor sent her a selfie of him and Will when they got to Molly's, Ava reacted to it with a heart.

Ava 19.04pm

Ava 19.05pm
Have fun x 😗

"They seem pretty flirty" Will said as he came up to them with a second around.
"Have fun is flirty?"
"Have fun, with one- No two kisses is flirty" Will states.
"We're good" he took a sip her his beer. "Really good"
Connor sent her a heart before closing his phone for the night.

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