Chapter 84- Violet

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Today was one of those days where Ava and Connors lunch breaks didn't match up. Not feeling in the mood to soclise or eat alone Ava sought refuge in the CT doctors lounge. She had slipped her trainers off and had her knees pulling up to her chest. As she took a bite of her sandwich her phone buzzed on the table in front of her.

"Dr. Bekker speaking"
"Ah, Ava! How lovely to meet you" a cheery women said on the other end of the line.
"Excuses me, who is this?"
"Oh, forgive me. I am Violet Turner, your" Violet paused for a moment, "companion, Connor Rhodes attended therapy with me"
"Oh, Violet yes, lovely to meet you"
"Yes, now you are down as Connors emergency contact. I was just wording if something had happened to him?"
"Eh, no. Connors fine, why haven't you been able to see that"
"No, I'm afraid not dear, he hasn't attended his last two appointments"
"Oh" Ava nearly squeaked, swallowing her salad. "He's been leaving the house, and coming back at the right times"
"Yes, that's often the case" she sighed, "I just wanted to know if something had happened, I'm sorry for dropping this on you"
"No, no, it's okey. I'll speak to him." She put her empty lunch box away.
"Thank you, I hoe to see him back soon. And it was lovely to speak to you- Connor speaks very highly of you"
"Thank you, Goodbye"
"Bye" Ava hung up the phone, staring at the blank blue wall for a moment.

She still had a few minutes left in her lunch break and decided to pack up early. Ava put her bag back in her locker and took the elevator up two floors.
"Dr. Charles?" She knocked on his door.
"Come in"
"Ava, I didn't think we had a session book for today?"
"No, we don't. But do you think I could speak to you really quickly?"
"Of course" he pointed to he chair in front of him.
Ava took a deep breath, "Why would someone suddenly stop going to therapy?"
"Why, are you planning on making a break for it?" Daniel joked.
"I got a phone call from Connors therapist, she hasn't seen him in two weeks"
"Ah" he pursed his lips, "and you were under the impression he was still attending"
"Yes, he leaves and comes back as he normally would" Ava picked at the skin on the side of her nail.
"Well it could be that he feels he doesn't need it anymore" he suggested.
"But he dose"
"I would agree with you, I would have liked personally if he had stayed in longer. But you know better then anyone that it can't be forced"
Ava nodded, "do I bring it up, or just pretend like I don't know?"
"That's your decision to make, Ava"
"I'm sure as you are well aware I was not approving of this relationship in the beginning, but you are right. You can make your own choices "
Ava thought about what he said before being interrupted by her pager, "I have to get this, thank you Daniel" Ava quickly stood up and left.


"Avery" Connor smiled as she stepped out of the ED exit at the end of her shift. He immediately took her in his arms, bringing his lips to hers. Ava smiled and pulled back, her face warming from his breath.
"Hey" she bit her lip, despite what she know knew she couldn't help smiling at the sight of him, kissing once more. They walked hand in hand together to the car, Ava swung their joined hands together slighting in the cold.

After dinner they sat on the sofa, Ava curled up under his arm, resting her head on his chest. "How was work?"
"Good, nothing to serious in the ED"
"That's good" Ava said softly into his chest, knowing that once she brought this up she couldn't take it back.
"What's about CT?"
"Yeah nothing major" Ava lifted her head up, resting her chin on his shoulder to see his face.
"How's Violet?" Ava said slowly.
Connor glanced away for a second, touching his ear.
"She's good yeah, why do you ask?"

"She rang me this afternoon Connor" Ava confesses.
Connor looked down at her meeting her eye.
"Aves it's fine, I'm doing great, we're doing great" he stroked her hair.
"Connor" Ava sighed, sitting up, "I still think you should keep going"
"Ava it's fine" he stressed getting tense.
"Connor, you need to talk to someone after everything"
"I'm doing good I'm over it" he defended.
"After everything that happened, with me, your dad-"
"Why don't you worry about your therapy and I'll worry about mine!" He snapped at her standing up from the sofa and storming down the hall. Ava closed her eyes and listened to his footsteps and heard the study door open and close behind him.

Ava exhaled shortly, opening her eyes again she finished her drink in one glup and sat up from the sofa. She put her glass in the sink and rubbed her forehead. Ava went into the bathroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth, still tasting the wine in her throat. Ava brushed out her hair and made her way into their room. She glanced at the bed and went to her draws, getting out a pyjama set she scurried across the hall into her old room. Closing the door with a sad thump behind her. Ava stripped off her shirt, trousers and underwear, laying them on the back of the desk chair. She slipped under the familiar covers, watching the familiar skyline from that window.

Ava nestled deeper into the bed, trying desperately to find any warmth in those sheets. Ava heard the door creek open from down the hall, and Connor pad into the bathroom. After a short while he came out and made his way into their bedroom, slowly creaking the door open. She could hear nothing for a moment before her turned and went into the kitchen. Connor checked all the rooms in the apartment  before hurrying back down the hall and stopped outside her door.
"Ava?" He whispered into the door as he pushed the door open, a stream of light filling the room. Ava pulled the covers closer to her chin, keeping her breath and limbs steady.
"Ava I know your awake" he said in a monotone voice.

Ava pushed herself up on her elbows suddenly and flicked on her bedside lap.
"What do you want." She said sternly.
Connor took a deep breath in, "I'm sorry for snapping at you, I know you were just worried about me"
Ava stared at him strangely, this was a formal specific apology. Connor and Ava had gotten into several fights like any couple, especially near the end of their first relationship. They'd apologised and moved on, but something was different about this one.
"And I'm sorry for hiding this from you" he nodded in that dark.

Ava nodded her head slightly, still resting back on her elbows.
"That's okey, it was your choice to make but I wish you didn't feel like you had to hide this from me"
"I won't in the future. So I hope you can forgive me, and come to bed"
Ava looked at his Silhouette in the dark, just about making out the curve of his chin and slope of his nose. Ava pulled back the covers next to her, "I'm cold, I'm not getting out of bed again"
Connor didn't move so Ava stressed it, "Come on, your letting the cold in"
Connor hurried over to her and climbed under the covers. Ava felt the warmth she'd been missing sleeping alone.

"I really am sorry Ava" he whispered, laying on his side facing her.
"Where did you go for all those hours?"
"I drove to a park and sat in the car reading my book or went for a walk, it was pretty boring. I wish I'd spent it with you"
Ava chuckled into her pillow, laying her hand next to her cheek.
"You should give Violet a call, she was worried"
"I will"

Ava leaned in and kissed his forehead, "Goodnight"
Connor turned his head up to meet her lips, "Goodnight Avery"
Ava returned to the mattress and Connor placed both his hands on her waist, holding her close.

A/n: so I actually wrote this chapter ages ago before all the PD stuff, but it just didn't fit in for them to have this big fight before Ava left. Anyway we have our character development 😍💓

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