Chapter 28- Sick

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Ava was getting back into her routine of early rises and long shifts, getting up with ease every morning now. Ava normally showered before Connor, who would often go for runs before work, where as Ava preferred to go after.
She wiped the warm water from her shoulders and the steam from the mirror before exiting the bathroom. She went back to her room and pulled on her scrubs, sitting down at her desk Ava put in her make-up and checked her emails. Going into the kitchen Ava was confused to find it empty, turning back to look down the hall Ava realised the bathroom door was open and it was empty as well. Ava put some coffee on and went to check the front door, only to find it on the dead bolt.

"Connor?" Ava called in confusion, Connor must still be in the apartment.
"Connor?" Ava tapped on his door loudly, not wanting to catch him in the middle of something. The light was still off in his room but she could make him under the covers.
"Connor you're going to be later" she told him, coming over to his bedside.
"Connor" she shook his shoulder.
Connor grounded and rolled over. "I called in for the day off" he muttered.
"Why" Ava watched him, her eyes adjusting to the darkness.
Ava put the back of her hand against Connors forehead, jumping back.
"Connor you're burning up" she gasped.
"I can't leave you like this"
"No, go without me, they need you" he pushed her away.
"Connor" Ava sighed, getting off the bed.

She went into the kitchen and got him a glass of water, a granola bar and an empty bowel.
She left the items at his bedside. "Connor, there's water and food here. I'll be back soon" she told him. Connor whimpered in acknowledgment.
Ava took her to go coffee and jacket, leaving the door on the latch behind her. Getting into her car Ava dialled her colleagues number.

"Dr. Bekker? Ava are you okey?"

"Yeah I'm fine Will, it's Connor. He's sick and he shouldn't be alone, he's barely conscious"

"Oh okey yeah sure, I have the days off, I'll be right over" Ava could hear shuffling like him putting his shoes on from the other end of the line.

"How did you know this?"

Ava paused, thinking of how best to explain this.
"He called me but I'm in work today, I left the door on the latch for you and gave home some food, water and a vomit bowl"

"Okey yeah, thanks Ava" he hung up.


Will let himself into Connors apartment, "Hey Connor, man, you hear?"
Will walked deeper into the apartment, hearing movement and the role it flush in the bathroom. Connor stuck his head out with a toothbrush in his mouth before wandering back in. Connor finished brushing his teeth and went out to Will.
"Were you sick?" He asked, wrapping an arm around Connor waist.
"Coughed to much, made myself sick" he said hoarsely.
"Okey lets get you back to bed" Will helped him back into his bedroom. Going out into the hall he noticed the guest room's door a jar, and shut it before going into the kitchen.

Will opened the fridge to make Connor something to eat. Opening the produce draw he found serval mangos.

I didn't know Connor liked them?

Will opened the other half of the fridge to find several cartoons of soup and other prepped meals, deciding to make something light for Connor for lunch.
Wills phone buzzed in his pocket as he butter some toast.

Hey Will, was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch today?

Will wasn't looking and cut his finger with his knife.
"Ow" Will puts his finger on his mouth. Going to Connor medicine cabinet he pulled out a box of plasters, wrapping one around his finger.
Will closed the cabinet but spotted the extra bath products in the shower.

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