Chapter 21- Walk

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"Hey, Dr. Charles" Connor caught up with him down the hall.
"Dr. Rhodes" Daniel greeted him.
"Ava's been having some trouble sleeping, I was wondering if you could talk to her about taking something to help with that" Connor whispered to him, not wanting everyone to hear.
"Are you suggesting that I talk a patient into taking meds that they are unwilling to take?"
"No" Connor sighed, "I know she's had issues with sleeping pills before and she doesn't want to go back to them, but surely there's something you can give her to help" 
"Connor, it's really up to Dr. Bekker, if she doesn't want to take meds, I can't make here. She won't die by not taking something to help her sleep, it would improve her quality of life but I can't force her to take something she doesn't want"
Connor sighed, "okey, thank you Daniel"

Connor went to walk off before Daniel stopped him, pulling him into a side room.
"Dr. Rhodes I know we've stopped our sessions, but if you do ever decide you need to return to them my door is always open" Daniel told him sincerely.
"I don't think that's nesscary Dr. Charles"
"Are you sure, because I can't help but see the simaltries between what your going through now and what you went through with Robyn" Dr. Chalres pointed out flatly.
"Well at lest with Robyn I knew I didn't cause her illness" Connor said suddenly.
"Dr. Rhodes, myself and Dr. Bekker have made it clear to you that what happened was not your fault. Dr. Bekker has made several factors known to me that lead to her trying to take her own life. Some of which relate to you, but many don't" he explained.
"Like what?" Connor questioned.
"You know I can't tell you that, Connor"
Connor looked him in the eye, trying to gauge what he could mean.
Connor locked his jaw, "was one of those reasons relating to my farther?"
Daniel kept his face the same, neither confirming nor denying it.
"He assaulted her, didn't he?"

Daniel sighed, breaking eye contact with Connor. Connor brought his hands through his hair.
"I was so stupid, I should have seen the signs" he roared to the room, turning his back away from Daniel.
"What signs? Hypothetically, of course, Dr. Bekker made it clear she went through everything to try and hide this from you"
Connor slammed his hand against mental cabinet behind him, resting his head on his arm.
"You know Dr, Rhodes I would really like to talk about you violent tendencies as a way to express difficult emotions" Daniel said, I no way fazed by what he had just seen.
"Talk to Dr. Bekker about getting effective sleep" Connor called over his shoulder as he left the room suddenly.

"Dr. Rhodes, Dr. Bekker was asking for you" A nurse told him passing him by.
"Did she say about what?"
"I'm not a messenger Dr. Rhodes" she reminded him.
"Well is she hurt?"
The nurse walked off without another word.

Connor was already on his way to the canteen for lunch, but changed route to the neuro ICU.
"Well is it isn't my favourite patient" he greeted her, walking into her room.
"I wouldn't expect anything less" she replied with her signature smile.
"I heard you were asking for me" he took seat next to her bedside.
"To what do I own the pleasure" he asked, taking a bite of his pasta bowl. Staring at her a bit longer then he normally would.
"I'm going to walk today" she told him confidently, tapping her fingers against her blanket.
Connor put his hand in front of his mouth, chewing the last of his bite.
"Ava that's amazing, Sam gave you the go ahead?"
Ava tilted her head slightly, "Not quite. But I've decided I am"
"Ava" Connor sighed, "your not even a week post op, you had major surgery"
"Connor I'm going to do it"
"It's not a case of if I'm going to walk, it's if your going to be the one to help me"

Connor look here up and down and saw the undefeated determined in her face. She had that Ava look about her.
"Fine, if you get hurt at lest I'll be here to treat you" he sighed getting up.
Ava carefully swung her legs off the edge of the bed. Taking Connors hands she pulled him between her legs. Connor looked down uncertainly at her, his eyes darting around her face.
"You ready?" He asked, giving her hands a squeeze. Ava nodded, planting her socked feet securely on the ground. Connor took a step back and slowly pulled Ava up.

Her legs shook as she squeezed Connors hands tighter, focusing on her breathing. Ava legs stopped shaking and she relaxed her grip.
"Okey, okey" Connor said softly, impressed by how well Ava was doing. "Your doing great, I'm going to take a step back"
Connor slid his foot back and waited for Ava to move. She lifted her heal off the ground but was unable to move the ball of her foot.
"Ava, you've done better the would have been expected, it okey-"
"I'm going to do it" she snapped at him. Using all of her strength Ava pushed her foot forward with a grunt, moving the second one carefully afterwards.
"I did it, I did it" she chanted, smiling and pulling her hands back. Ava shook slightly at the sudden movement and loss of support. Connor grabbed Ava's right hand and her left clung to his shirt.
"I got you, I got you" he assured her, walking her back to her bed. Connor stood between her legs again. "Sorry for snapping at you, I just can't do another two weeks in this place"
Ava noticed the twists in the fabric of Connors scrubs where she had grabbed it. Rubbing her fingers along it she smoothed it out, feeling his defined abs underneath the fabric.
"It's okey. Are you ready for visitors?" He asked, never taking his eyes off her.
"I doubt I'll have many" Ava distracted herself from Connor by fidgeting with her IV line.
"About that, when you started seizing I brought you to the ED. After that there were questions raised about where you'd been and what had happened to you. So Sharron had to give a statement"

Connor saw Ava's face pale, putting two and two together.
"No, no, no, nothing like that Ave, I wouldn't let her. She was very nearly going to but she told people you were attacked"
"Attacked?" Ava repteted.
"Attacked on your way home by a crazy patient" he confirmed.
"You weren't feeling well, so Sharron let you go home early. You weren't even a quarter of a mile away from the hospital when a masked man stopped you and pushed you back against a wall. He slit your throat" Connor said shakily.
"I was following shortly behind you, I'd noticed you'd forgotten your scarf. I watched the event unfold, I administered emergency aid and rushed you back to the hospital"
"I think you know the rest" he ended softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. Watching Ava's face closely as he explained everything.
"Thank you, for not letting her tell everyone" she said, placing her hand on top of his.
"I meant what I said, I'll be with you all the way"
"Even if your sedated" he winked to her.
"Fingers crosses that will never need to happen again" she sighed, Ava pulled her legs back under the overs of the bed.
Connor pulled her into his arms, "I'm so proud of you Ava" given her a squeeze before pulling back. Ava caught his hand keeping hims close.
"Thank you, for the other night" she smiled, rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand. "Anytime" he told her softly, sitting down to finish his lunch with her.

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