Chapter 66- Vigilante Shit 

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Connor parked outside Lincoln Park, he made his way through the crowd, keeping his face down.
"Thank you, thank you" Rang out through the crowd.
"For the land of Lincoln" Mayor Anderson raised a fist in the air.
"I'll take some questions now"
"Mr Mayor sir, Mr Mayor, over here!"
As mayor Anderson answered the papers questions his family stepped away and off the stage. Connor eyed his target, following him he watched as he undid the button on his shirt jacket. Leaving the park he took out his phone he began texting, walking down a quite allay way.

Once they were alone Connor grabbed his collar, slamming him against the wall.
"Where are they" he growled.
"Hey, hey off me" he tried to fight back.
"I won't ask again" Connor tighten his grip.
Mason chuckled lowly, "what are you, some sort of cop? I don't have to answer anything without my lawyer present"

"Are you alright Mr Peterson?" A voice came down the hall as Connor spotted a security guard.
He looked between Connor and the guard.
"No, I'm alright Roman, leave us"
Roman nodded and left.
"Why you want to know where they are, you think your going to get lucky?" Mason sported a cocky smile as Connor kneed him hard between the legs.
"Oh you fucking-" Connor launched a punch to the nose as well.
Shaking the pain from his hand as he walked away.

A man hurried towards him, "what do you think you're doing!" Hank hissed coming up to him.
"What, Hank what are you doing here?" Connor said confused by his presence.
"What am I doing here, what's this vigilante act you have going on here!"
Hank pushed Connor back against a wall.
"Hey, hey, hands behind your back buddy" he cuffed him.
"Hank what are you-"

Hank quickly rounded the corner with him where they found Masons still recovering from the attack.
"Mr. Peterson" Hank smiled, "did I just witness this thug assault you"
"Why yes you did, officer..."
"Voight, Detecrive Hank Voight" he reached out a hand.
"It was barbaric really, I think he might be drunk. Rambling about the strangest things"
"Well, if you come down to the station and give a statement I'll take him in" Hank said.
"Gladly" he smirked.
Hank pushed Connor to his patrol car, Mason walking in front of them.
"Hey, hey watch it buddy" Hank stopped, pulling Connor back something stung his lip.
Hank shook off his fist, "we'll make sure to add resisting to his charges, Mr Peterson"

Connor was piled into the back of the patrol car, from the rear view mirror he could see his lip was busted from Hank's punched. What was he doing?
Hank drove them down to the station, bringing them through the back door Haliey was waiting for them.
"Officer Upton , take Mr Peterson up for a statement would you"
Haliey lead him away as Hank pulled Connor into a break room.
"Here" he said, his head in a freezer, "get some ice on that thing"
Connor starred him down, shrugging his shoulders before Hank fought to take out the key to un-cuff him.
"What are you doing" Connor pressed the ice pack to his lip.
"You'll see" he patted Connors arm, "come up to us in the bull pen when you're ready" he said before leaving the room.


Hank walked into the interview room where Haliey was finishing taking Masons statement. Haliey nodded to him and closed her notebook, leaving without another word. Hank watched Mason closely as Hailey left the room, seeing his eyes run down her figure.
"Hank" he gave him a toothy sailed a nodded.
"I've decided I'd like to press charges, I've given my statement to your lovely blond detective, so am I free to go?" He asked.
"No so fast, we still have a few questions for you" he told him, taking a seat in front of him.
Hank took out the file Haliey had made a flicked through it.
"Now tell me what a trust fund boy like you is doing hanging around with the Bulls?" Hank dropped the file before him, revealing photos of Mason at a nightclub on the other side of town.

"What is this, I'm the victim here" he pointed to his chest.
"Are you?"
"I want my lawyer" he stood up, "you can't just take me in without cause"
"I think you'll find you came in willingly, I'm just asking a few questions."
"Sit down" he said sternly.
"I can keep you for twenty four hours on suspicion of a number of crimes, so many that I think it would take half that time to read them all out. So I suggest you take a read"
"Now let's start from the beginning" he sighed.


Connor pushed back from the desk he'd been leaning against it's as he watched this interaction go down. He wasn't sure if he wanted to hear the things that were going to be said in that room. Opting to leave for a second coffee.

Connor saw Trudy speaking to an elderly couple at the end of the hall. The women turned and met Connors eyes, raising a hand to him.
"You, you're the Doctor!" She threw her arms around him, "thank you, thank you!"
Connor froze under the small women.

"You brought our daughter home to us, by that autopsy" the women produced a tissue from her purse, dapping her eyes.
"How can he ever repay you"
"Now here son, I spoke to the bank, we're going to pay you bank so we are" he said.
"No, no. It's no trouble really, I must confess, I believed your daughter to be a good friend of mine, that's why I did the auptposy" Connor explained.

"Oh that doesn't matter, you brought our baby back to us" she wrapped her arms around him again.
"Their bringing Flo back home at the end of the week" he father explained.
"We're finally going to get some closure and bring our baby home" she pulled away, staring to tear up again.
Footsteps came down the hall to them.
"I've see you've met Dr. Rhodes, Connor this is Sarah and Pete Newtown" Hailey introduced them
"Oh of course, how rude of us" Sarah reached out her hand to shake Connors and Pete did the same.

Connor got a coffee from the break room with the family. Hearing stories about Florences childhood and her hobbies. The couple spoke very fondly, thinking back of their daughters childhood. It was nearly dinner time when they decide it was time to go.
"We better start on the drive back, beat the traffic" Pete explained.
Pete and Sarah hugged him goodbye, exchanging numbers and promising to keep in touch with him.
Sarah gave him an extra long hug, "thank you, and I hope you find that friend of yours" she rubbed his arm.
"Thank you" he walked them out of the station.

Connor made his way back through the station, going into the viewing room. He stopped as he found Jay in there, closing the door behind him.
"The Newtowns just left" he said, leaning against a table.
Jay nodded, "their a nice couple"
Connor agreed and turned into the interview.
"He got a confession yet?"
Jay shook his head, "holding up tighter then a clam"
"Do you think he will?" Connor asked softly.
"We've got him" Jay assured him.

They stayed in silence, but something about the day was still nawing at Connor.
"Jay, how did Hank know where I was?"
Jay kept his gaze forward, "did you drive?"
Connor stayed silent, studying Jay.
He glanced away and picked up his coffee from the desk.
"You should take a look at the undercarriage of your car" he side before leaving.

Connor felt puzzled at Jay's statement, looking at Hank through the one way mirror before leaving the station to investigate.
He took the train back to the the Lincoln park, finding his car in a nearly abandoned carpark. Everyone who had come out the see the Mayor was long gone, the only thing left was stray bits of confetti in the wind.

Connor reached his car, taking a knee he looked at the under belly of his car, he didn't spot anything at first but after feeling around the base of it his hand hit something he'd never felt before,with one strong tug the device came free. Connor pulled it out, his wrist and hand covered in dust and dirt from the bottom of his car. In his palm rested a small back device, admitting a red ball of light.


Mason had been sitting in a protesting silence for hours, with Hank watching him, saying the odd phrase.

"You ready to start talking?"
"I want a laywer"
"And that is your right Mr Peterson, but I don't think it'll be much good to you" he leaned in.
"Now see because what you don't know s we're going to charge you regardless of what you say in this room, for obstruction of justice, kidnapping, criminal mischievous; maybe even murder. And this life that you have for yourself, is all going to crumble around you"
"You so sure about that?" Mason goaded him.
"Yeah" Hank leaned back, resting an arm on the back of a chair, "because you took in a cop" he laughed.
Mason's face dropped.
"You" Hank pointed, "took. in. a. cop, invited us into your organisation"
Hank lowered his voice, "and that cops boyfriend is outside right now, and I have half a mind to come in here and let him finish what he started, so you're going to start talking"

Mason locked his jaw and rolled his eyes, excepting his defeat in this set up.
"Get a pen"

A/n: More chapters soon 😗

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