Chapter 25- Cleared

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Connor woke up early for his morning shift. Pulling himself out of bed he showered and trimmed his beard. On his way back to his room Connor stopped outside Ava's, their doors were almost facing each other. Her door was left open a jar, Connor crept over to it quietly, pushing it open further. He could make out the outline of Ava's body under the covers as she lay with her back to him. Connor helped his breath and listened carefully, only exhaling and relaxing once he heard Ava's steadied breath from deep sleep.

Connor pulled the door shut with a click, retuning to his room. Connor got changed into his scrubs, checking in a few things on his laptop before heading out to the kitchen. Connor went up to the coffee machine, jumping at movement behind him.
"Jesus Christ" Connor said in shock, spotting Ava at the dinner table.
"A hello would have sufficed" she smiled to him, taking a sip of her own coffee.
"I didn't hear you get up"
"Mhm, early rises never leave you" she joked.
"Okey I'm going to head off to med, the tv remotes on the sofa, there's food in the fridge. And you need to take your meds"
"Way ahead of you doc" she told him, holding up a packet of pills.
"And I'm coming with you"
"What, why?"
"I need to get Daniel to sign some paper work for me so I can get back to work" she told him, getting up from the table.
"Ava are you sure? A few days ago you couldn't even sit up, are you sure you're ready to get back to work?" He asked, his concern evident on his face.
"If Daniel, Sam and Sharron sign off on it then I'm free to operate"
Connor tapped his fingers against his travel mug, "Okey, if all your doctors agree"
"Just give me a second to get my coat" Ava put her mug in the sink and took her meds back to her room. Returning with her winter jacket on.

They got into the car together and drove off headed for med. They listened to the radio as they drove, flicking through several different channels.

Three killed in house fire.

Snow storms expected to hit Chicago-

More corruption in Chicago politics

Connor shut the radio off, "you okey?" Ava asked, questioning his odd behaviour.
"Yeah, just can't deal with all that negativity this early in the morning"
"In other new you'll have your sparing partner back in week if all things go well"
"Can't wait" Connor smiled, keeping one hand on the wheel. They parked and Ava looked up at the building anxiously, her eyes fixed on the windows of the psych ward.
"Ava" Connor said softly.
Ava turned her head back to him, "you okey?"
"Yeah" she assured him with a smiled, opening her car door.

Connor and Ava walked through the Ed together, drawing a few eyes to them.
"Ava, it's great to see you back again" Maggie greeted her with a familiar smiled, not acting any differently then she normally would.
"Thanks mags, fingers crossed you'll have me back fully by Monday"
Ava followed Connor deeper into the hospital, passing by the doctors lounge. Connor caught her wrist, pulling her into the lounge.
"I'm working a full shift so I'll be back at seven. Let yourself into the apartment and relax" he told her, pushing his set of house keys into her hands.
"I have a spare pair in my locker"
"Thank you" Ava held up the keys, sliding them into her jean pocket.
"Have a good shift Connor" she called over her shoulder as she went up to see Daniel.

Connor finished his shift and took his spare pair of keys from his locker. Driving home he couldn't wait to have dinner and talk to Ava to see how her session with Daniel went. Connor opened the door to find all the lights off in the apartment, flicking on the kitchen light he spotted Ava laid out on the sofa, her arm sticking out taunt from under a thick blanket.
"Ava, Ava?" Connor panicked, rushing over to her he shook her shoulder.
Ava groaned, turning her head to face him, "what's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to make sure you were okey" he said awkwardly.
"Well aren't you a delightful roommate" Ava grumbled, pulling the blanket over her head and rolling onto her side.
"Why are all the lights off" he asked, setting his bag down.
"I fell asleep around four" she yawned, coming out of her cave, "it was still bright then"
"Oh actually, look what I got" Ava said sitting up. She leaned over to the coffee table to show him a slip of paper with three signatures.
"You got cleared" He cheered, a smile breaking over his face.

"You know what, we should celebrate, and I conveniently don't feel like cooking. So why don't we order a pizza?"
"We could watch that movie like you wanted?" Ava suggested
"Yeah, it's a date. Are you well rested after your nap?"
"Oh, very Dr. Rhodes, thank you"

Ava and Connor settled into the sofa, on opposite ends to each other. Ava has stolen the blanket from the sofa and draped it over herself. Connor instead on paying for the pizza since he had suggested the idea and Ava had cooked the last few night.
The food arrived and Connor opened it, Ava smiled to see half was deep dish and half was regular.
"Thank you" she took a slice from the thin side.
"What movie do you want to watch?" Connor asked, flicking through Netflix.
"I don't mind" Ava took a sip of her drink, "I started looking at apartments today"
Connor paused for a second, it was always their plan that Ava would only live here temporarily, but he never imagined she'd be leaving so soon.
"Anything good?"
"No, not yet"

Connor smiled some what triumphantly before picking a movie.
"I don't know how you enjoy that" Connor commented.
"What thin pizza?"
"Thin and spicy pizza, basically a crime" he teased her.
"Keep dreaming" Ava rolled her eyes and shook her head.

They finished up the movie and Connors went to get ready for bed. Ava sat up from the sofa and retrieved her purse, slipping a five dollar note into the pocket of one of Connors jackets for the pizza. Her fingers brush against a smooth piece of card, pulling it out of the depths of his pocket she found a water damaged photo of them that was curved at the edges. It was the same photo Ava had thrown into her sink in an angry rage, smashing the frame in the process. After everything she's been through in the past month Ava had completely forgotten about the image. Connor must have fished it out of her sink when he was in her house.
But why keep it?

Ava slipped it back into his jacket pocket and buttoned it shut like how she'd found it, tip toeing back into her room.

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