Chapter 90- Choices

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"So that's what's been on your mind" Daniel said.
"Pretty much yeah" Ava relaxed.
"How long do you have?"
"Till the end of the week" she shrugged, picking her nails and running her tongue along her teeth.
"Have you told Connor?" Dr. Charles asked.
She shook her head quickly. "I will. In time"
"Well" Daniel took a deep breath, "I suppose this is our last session" he stood.
"I have to say, I'll miss you, Ava"
"Thank you Daniel" she smiled, saying her goodbyes as she left his office.

Ava made her way down to CT, clocking in for her shift. She went through her cases for the day, and did her first surgery. Her head way heavy she went through her day, feeling she was on the edge of a cliff with the upcoming change.

She had her eyes glued to her Ipad as she cashed into someone.
"Sorry" she grabbed his arm.
"Hey, Ava it's okey" he assured her.
"Oh, Will Hey. I didn't see you" she took a step back.
"Yeah, I think you need to slow down" he chuckled.
"Are you okey?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She said quickly.
"No reason" he shook his head.
"I'm heading down to the canteen now if you'd any to come with me? Connors already there for lunch"
"Oh no, I have a surgery soon, I shouldn't" she smiled.
"Another time"
"Okey, I'll say hi to Connor for you" he smiled, walking in the direction of the canteen.

Ava had her lunch break in the quite of the CT doctors lounge, alone like she had spent many lunch breaks in residency. She walked to the coffee cart, getting herself a large black coffee for her shift. She made her way back up to CT, making notes on her surgeries.
Ava was walking through the corridors when she spotted Connor at the nurses station, going through a file. She stopped quickly, turning on her heel she entered the nearest lift.

Connor quickly jumped into the lift before it close. "Hey, Avey"
"Connor" she smiled, finally confronted with him.
"Hey, feels like I Avey seen you all day" he wrapped his arms around her and Ava sank into his chest.
"You okey"
"Mhm" she nodded against him, "I am now"
Connor kissed the top of her head, leaving her arms and moved to stand behind her.
"You sure? Your tense" he muttered.
He put his hands on her shoulders, gently massaging the rigid muscles there. Ava pursed her lips to avoid letting out a moan. She exhaled gently through her nose, "Connor" she turned her head.
The lift doors pinged open on his floor.
"I have to go, I'll see you later" he smiled before running off. Leaving as quickly as he had arrived.
Ava exhaled deeply rubbing the space between her brows. She had to tell him.
She hit the button on the lift again and again, hoping it would speed the lift up.

Ava saw Connor later on her shift. Her second in surgery had called out, not able to make it. Needing someone to take the position she had a number of doctors to choose from, she may have requested Connor specifically.
"Connor" she smiled, spotting him enter the OR. They were just getting prepped for the delayed surgery, and their were few people in the room.
"We need to talk" she breathed, standing next to him, Beth and Marty the only ones in the room.
Connor furrowed his brows behind his mask.
"Is everything okey, are we?"
"Oh, no. Not like that" she said louder.
"Oh" he exhaled. "Had me there worried for a second Dr. Bekker"
She met his eye and she could tell by that look her was smiling at her under his mask.

Ava lost Connor after the surgery, watching him rush off to the ED for an important case. Not seeing him until after their shifts. "Avery" he breathed, spotting her at her locker.
She turned with him, her back against the lockers. Connor wrapped his arms around her waist kissing her softly.
"What did you need to tell me?" He said, his fingers still tangled in her curls.
Opened her eyes as he pulled back, her hand covering his in her hair.
"Nothing" she shook her head, never wanting to leave this moment.
Connor brought his lips back to hers. Leaving the doctors lounge together hand in hand. She savoured these moments together, the way he touched her knee in the car, or held her hand as they walked. As fleeting as they were she lived for them.

Connor moved to the stove, taking out a pan he looked to the fridge for what he could cook for dinner.
"I'll cook" she caught his hand as he walked past.
"You sure?"
"Yeah" she nodded. Wanting to make them one last meal.
"You relax, I'll take care of everything" she touched his chest. Turning on her heel she took her keys, running to the shops for a few things.
Ava cooked one of Connor favourite steaks. With a side of peas and chips.
"Thank you" he kissed her temple, coming up to wrap his arms around her.
"Today's not a holiday is it, an anniversary?" He questioned, wondering the occasion.
"No" she shook her head.
"Okey" Connor nodded against her, pealing away from her.

When Ava was done she left the meat rest and Connor helped her clear the counter.
"Thank you Avey" he kissed her and Ava lingered for a second too long.
They sat down together at the dinner table with a bottle of wine Connor had opened. Ava took a deep slug when Connor wasn't looking, hoping to find her courage in the glass.
"How was your session with Daniel?"
"Eh. Good yeah. He's well" she never took her eyes off her plate.
"I missed you at lunch today" he reached over to take her hand. Ava pulled back, running her hand down her thigh.
"I need to tell you something Connor" Ava took a deep breath, putting her fork down. "You know my phone call. The other day?. It wasn't to Natalie"
"Is everything okey, Aves?" He took on a worried tone at her behaviour.
"I got an offer, from Langone" she said cautiously.
Connor out his fork down.
"Langone, New York?"

Before Ava could confirm Connor had already pulled her out of her seat, tightly wrapping his arms around her.
"I don't know about it" she shook her head, pulling back.
"What's not to like? Langone has a great CT programme"
"But Connor, New York?" She sighed, meeting his eye.
Connor finally got what she was trying to say.
"Aves, Don't let me be the thing that stops you from doing this" he ran a hand down her arm.
"When do they want you by?"
"Monday for an introduction, then I start Wednesday. They found an apartment for me and are splitting the rent"
"Ava that's amazing, you have to go for it!" He encouraged her.
"What's stopping you?"

A/n: 😦

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