Chapter 67- Escape

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Ava laid in the same spot she had for what felt like months. They hadn't moved in days, the only noises outside of the voices of those around them, telling Ava that they were far from any highway.

"You good?" One of the women asked.
This was a common question that Ava has been getting frequently, she could here them whispering about concerns for her metal state when they though she was asleep, she never was.
"Yeah" Ava replies shortly, shortly slightly as a way to prove it.
"You need to drink" May told her.
Ava looked to her and pushed herself up on the palms of her hands, taking the bottle from her. She took a few sips before capping it again. She dropped back to the floor with a depressing thud.

Outside the same voices began to pick up again, Ava suspected it to be late afternoon but she was never really sure. She closed her eyes again, feeling the vibrations of the voices from outside shiver through the truck. The whispers from the back of the truck began.

Ava had her eyes closed when a tremor shot through the truck as voices were raised.
"Their terribly loud" came from somewhere in the van.
Ava strained her ear to hear the voices before they went silent.

Gunshots fired outside again and again, hitting the door. Ava scrambled up. Everyone curled together in the far back corner of the truck, trying to get as far away from the gun fire as possible. Then their was silence, a strange deafening silence fell over everything.
Ava was the first to move, inching away from the group towards the doors.
"Andreas" May hissed, "what are you doing your going to get yourself killed!"
Ava ingored her as she reached the door. She pushed at it, and with a little strength she broke the last link on the chain, the lock having been blown off in the gunfire.

Ava kept a hand on the door and turned back. Everyone looked to the open door.
"Quickly" Ava held out her hand.
No one made a move before Harper crept forward. She stopped short of the door, looking out into the rising sun. She glanced between Ava's hand and the outdoors before clasping it strongly.
"Quietly" Ava said, helped her down, before help the next person out until their was only one left.
"May" Ava urged her, "we have to go"
"I can't"
Ava stood up, quickly making her way to the back of the truck.
"Now is the time" she assured her.
May looked better the door and Ava before nodding, Ava held her hand and the pair rushed forward. Just as May's foot was about to hit the ground their was a gun shot. Ava's hands dropped May's suddenly and she stumbled to the ground.
"Hey!" A voice roared across the woodland.
"Go, go go!" Ava chanted, jumping out of the truck onto steady feet.
The group charged forward as Ava's eyes landed on their only life line.
Bullets fired with poor aim ripped through the air at the as Ava dashed forward, her hand gripping the shotgun laid against the side of a pick up truck.

Ava cocked the weapon, nothing, no buellts.
"Shit" she breathed, dropping the gun to the ground. Ava looked into the back of the truck, and into the passenger seat looking for bullets.
She found something better, she leaned in, snatching the hand gun from the seat she checked the cartage case, full, serial numbers scratched off.
Ava's took shelter as footsteps drew closer. She laid chest down on the woodland floor as two boots appeared on the other side of the vehicle, stoping and turning. Ava fired under the car, catching the mans ankle as his guns fired into the ground.

Ava hopped up on quiet feet, moving around the truck she fire a shot, knocking a second gun out of a mans hand. The coast was clear, she had to get out, find the others. She empty the cartage and tossed the gun.
Ava turned on her heel and ran, her fists curling from muscle memory.

Breath out, breath in slowly. Ava sucked a breath through her nose, her fingertips brushing the track below her.
She took off from her start position, sprinting along the track she rounded the first bend, over taking a girl into third place. Ava's fists stayed loose as her feet pumped into the ground. Taking all the engery she had she over took the girl in second, coming neck a neck to the girl in first. She heard the cheers from the side lines as she ran.
"Run Avalynn!"
Pushing herself the last few meters she quickly over took her and darted across the finish line. Ava stumbled to a stoop, her sticky palms coming to her knees. Two pairs of feet ran to her side.
"You did it!" Arms came around her. "That was amazing"
"She did it!" A hand came into hers, pulling it into the sky.
"She did it, that's my daughter, you know! My daughter"  Alan told everyone.
A smile broke out over her lips as she hugged Alan.


Ava's head snapped behind her as that sound met her ears, still running she felt the ground come out beneath her, as something hit her side. Trying to break her fall with her arm, sticks ripping her sides as the cold set in.
"You little bitch" a man snarled over her, pinning her to the ground.
Ava clenched her fish, shoving a handful of dirt and melting snow into his eyes. Ava pushed him off her as she tried to make it to her feet, before he grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Ava elbowed him in the nose, hearing a crunch. He keeled back in pain and Ava sped forward again.

She didn't know how long she ran through the woods lands before hands clasped around her shoulders. Ava fought them off, shifting on the uneven ground.
"FBI put your hands on the air!" A women's voice called, guns pointed at them.
Ava's hands flew above her head, the hands leaving her shoulders. A flashlight hit their eyes as Ava glanced away.
"Let them past, their with us" Ava saw Harper get up from the back of an ambulance and run towards them before being grabbed by an office.
The officers lowered their weapons.
"Andreas Myers" Ava's teeth chattered.
"May Smyth" an voice came from Ava's side, turning to see May's profile.
"Come here, come on" the female officer urged the, forward.
Medics were around them in an instant, foil blankets, blood pressures cuffs, water and thermometers were around them.

May and Ava were separated, set into different ambulances. Ava sat with a bottle of water, filling her gold foil blanket tighter around herself.

"They ran across the border and these are Illinois ambo's, none of them are critical so we'll send two to East Mercy and two to Gaffney" one of the senior officers explained.


Ava's eyes snapped up.
"Okey these two to East Mercy and the others to Gaffney" the man gestured to the two ambulances that Ava wasn't in.
They closed up the doors to the trucks and the paramedics started to climb in.
Ava jumped out of the ambulance and stumbled forward.
"Ma'am you need to get back into the ambulance" a paramedic closing the door to the ambulance told her.
Ava doubled over and started dry wrenching.
"Okey, okey, come on. We'll get you in this one" the man helped her into the Gaffney ambulance. Ava sat down, pulling her legs onto the stretcher she her resting against the hard mattress.

Foil blankets were placed over her, shining in the artificial light, a mask following after. The door slammed behind her and the sirens started whaling. The car pushed forward and they set off down the road. A faint smile came over Ava's lips as she closed her eyes.

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