Chapter 86- Back at it

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Connor woke early in the morning for his shift, feeling a chill in the air he moved to curl up closer to Ava. His eyes opened to the hazy room when he realised she wasn't in the bed. Figuring she must have woke early for a shift he left the bed and showered, moving into the kitchen in search for her.

Drove in early, see you later x

Was taped to their fridge. Connor smiled and read the note, Ava hadn't mentioned needing to go in early. He started making his morning coffee, he reached into fridge for milk, finding another note.

Brekkie in oven

Connor smiled once more, she really had through of everything. He drove to the hospital on his own, clocking in he looked around for Ava, not finding her until much later in his shift.
"Hey" he stopped her as they came down the same corridor on the surgical floor.
"Hi" she stopped, looking up from her iPad.
"I was bringing to think you'd ditched work today, I hadn't seen you"
"No, their just keeping me up here" she chuckled, folding her IPad under her arm.
"You looking forward to tomorrow?". It was their first surgery together.
"Oh desperately, I know how much you missed me in the OR"
"You know I did. And good morning; thank you for breakfast"
"Your welcome, I'll see you later" she touched his arm quickly before continuing down the hall.

It was the end of their shifts and Connor hadn't seen Ava since that afternoon.
"Hey Nat have you seen Ava?"
"No" she shook her head. "She hadn't left yet, I've been here all day. She didn't go into the lounge"
"Weird" he said softly, "thanks"
"I'll page you if I see her"

Connor went into the doctors lounge, putting in the code for Ava's locker he found her bag still there. He furrowed his brows, shaking his head. He took out his phone, Ava and Connor had their locations on to each other. The app loaded and pinged her phone still in the hospital but on the other end of the first floor. He followed the blue dot across the hospital until he landed at the end of an empty corridor.
"Ava? Ava are you" he stopped himself, she obviously wasn't at the end of an empty corridor and neither was her phone. He looked down at his phone, puzzled until he looked up.

Connor got the lift up to the surgical floor, following the dot once more.
"Ava?" Connor stepped into the room he was lead to. It was a mock OR that was used to teach and practice surgeries. Ava was stood over the table with her mask on, glancing up at him she dropped her tools.
"What are you doing?"
Ava said nothing for a moment before pulling her mask down her face.
"I just wanted to make sure I still could"
Connor approached the table. The mannequin she was operating on was accompanied by six others who surgeries were already completed.
"This is why you've been staying so late" he sighed.
"I didn't want to mess up, tomorrow"
"Avey" he sighed.
"You won't, here" he took her hands. Standing behind her he held his hands over hers. Guiding the movement to complete the last few stitches. Ava focused on her work but noted the feeling of Connors breath on her neck.
"See" he pulled back.
"You were and still are one of Chicago's top ten surgeons" he brushed a piece of hair that had come loose from her ponytail.
"She's fine" Connor held up the patients arm.
"Thank you for saving me Dr. Bekker" he put on a silly voice.
"Mhm, remind you of your first girlfriend?" She teased, not bothering to hide her smirk.
"Okey that's enough practice for you Doctor" he wrapped an arm around her, swiftly pulling her out of the room.


There was very little space to work with this case. Ava and Connor stood with their shoulders touching for most of the operation.
"I need a new angle" she said, furrowing her brows. "For the patch"
"Here" Connor moved a free hand back, allowing Ava to stand between him and the table.
She leaned it to do her job. She was so close that Connor could count her eyelashes when he looked to her. Ava glanced up her, meeting his eye she sucked in a short beat he before securing the patch and stepping back.
"Done" she confirmed. Slipping back to her spot beside him, their shoulders touching.

Connor and Ava binned their masks, scrubbing out they left the OR together.
"So, first surgery back" he smiled.
"I'm proud of you" he touched her back, his fingertips lingering on her for a beat too long. "We should go speak to the family" she reminded him.
"Always one step ahead" he agreed, walking down the hall with her.

With their patient was still unconscious but recovering well, their shift came to an end.
"So I finally get to take you home Dr. Bekker"
"Aren't you lucky" she said cockily, closing her locker with a smirk she met Connors eye.
Connor drove them home happily, finally getting to spend some time with Ava outside of the hospital.

"What do you want for dinner?" She asked, taking her coat off as they came in the door.
"I'll cook, it was your first surgery, I'm sure you're tired" he walked to the kitchen.
"No, I've been blowing you off for days to work in the hospital, let me" she told him, remember all of the carefully set aside dinners she had come home to.
"It's fine Aves. I don't mind, really"
"Connor" she said firmly, placing a hand on his chest to guide him to the sofa.
"Fine, fine" he put his hands in the air, settling into the sofa with the tv on low.

Ava made dinner for them, shooing Connor away when he came over.
"I'm just getting a drink" he told her, filling his glass with water.
"It looks lovely" he commented, spotting the chickpea curry in the pan.
Ava continue to stir the pan, Connor came up close behind her, gently gathering her brown curls in his fingers he tied it back loosely with a hair tie.
Ava turned to look back at him, "thank you" she breathed.
Connor kept her gaze, Ava being the first one to break it, turning back to turn off the stove. Ava face cooled as the heat from the pan died down. She split the dinner into two plates and set them done at the table. They ate together, having light conversation about their day and upcoming surgeries.

"Here" Ava held up her glass.
"It's as bout as close as we're getting to going out for drinks"
Connor held up his glass of water to meet hers, "cheers. Welcome back Avey"
He cleared the table for them, while he was busy Ava's fingers came to finagle her ponytail, touching it gently.
They settled into the sofa together, watching the six o'clock news Connor pulled Ava in, her head resting on his shoulder.
Ava turns her head up from Connors shoulder, tilting his head down she brought her lips to his. Connor responded, brushing his lips softly against hers. He brought his hand to the side of her neck, brushing the back of her ear.

On the odd time that they did kiss Connors hands never wandered past Ava's head or shoulders. She trailed her fingers down his chest, moving her hand to his shoulder she leaned back, pulling him on top of her. Ava moved to deepen the kiss before Connor pulled back.
"Ava" he warned, putting a hand next to her head to support him.
"I want it. Do you?" She asked, nervous like the last time, thinking that she's ruined their relationship.
"Of course I want to, but Ava" Connor sighed.
Ava took his free hand and moved it to her cheek.
"This used to be ours"
Connor swam through those hazel eyes, his thumb loosing tracing the shape of her lip.
"Okey" he nodded, "but not like this"
He sat up on his knees, pulling Ava up to straddle his lap.
"You're in control, we can stop if you need to" His hands circled her hips, finally allowing them to roam over her curves. His fingers ran down her ribs and thighs, loosing the hair tie until her curls fell free.

Ava began kissing him again, softly, with a building speed. Connor kissed her back gently, moving slowly until Ava snapped her hips forward, his teeth nipping her lip as he sucked in a breath, squeezing her thighs.
"Do that again?"

A/n: she posts again ❤️🤭
Six chapters left🤞

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