Chapter 54- Tears are gonna fall

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Ava's eyes fluttered open, only to find the space around her still dark. She felt nauseous as the room moved around her. As Ava tried to move she finds herself in a tight space. She reached out and felt about her, the ceiling low.

"Hey, hey! Let me out" she pounded in the ceiling.
"Let" thump "me" thump "out!" thump, thump. She roared.
Ava even kneed the ceiling to make more noise, the car pulled to a halt and Ava realised that she must have gotten the driver's attention.
Oh shit
She began to panic, having not really had a plan as to what to do.

The trunk door opened above her and Ava jumped out to fight, her nails scraping and fists colliding with serval different people. Something sour hit Ava's eyes as a burn entered her throat, noise and eyes.
Pepper spray
Two hands grabbed her arms and pulled her forwards and out of the car as she began to splutter and cough.

"Ready, 3, ,2, 1" Ava tried to keep her eyes open as the liquid hit her face burning her eyes. The sensation took over her whole body as she face, lungs and chest burned.
"Remember training!" A lieutenant callled.
Ava bent forward and tried to regain control of her breath.
"That's it soldier, deep breaths and don't touch your face" he encouraged her.
"What's your name"

Ava wheezed in front of him, hands on knees.
"What's your name soldier!"
"Bekker, Ava" she wheezed.

The burning wore off slowly as Ava was dragged into a room and sat in a chair, her eyes still watering.
"What's wrong with her?" Someone said as she found her chair.
"Pepper spray"
"You pepper sprayed her?" A voice came from the blurry shadows.
"Oh what, you think I got scratched up like this from a cat? No, she jumped is when we opened the truck"
Ava felt her arms be tugged from her front to behind the chair, and tightly bound with zip ties. Once Ava's vision returned she looked up at her surroundings, she was in what seemed to be an old gagrage, their were five men and a video camera.
"She's looking at us" one of the bed said and she recognised it as being one of the men who drove her here.


Ava's head flicked up as she heard footsteps approaching, she sat up on the bed, holding the handle of her bag tightly as she waited for Jay to opened the door. The door it open, with one strong blow it flew open into the room and three men pushed into the room. Ava jumped into the air before she could even realise what was happening. She left across the bed and into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Fist began pounding on the door behind as Ava's breathing increased.

She'd left her phone on the nightstand.

Ava saw the pole the shower curtain hung from, using all her weight she pulled it until the rusting screws ripped from the wall. Ava stood back from the door ready to swing when it opened. With two more blows to the door it gave in, swinging open.

Ava managed to strike one in the head, hitting another in the stomach before arms wrapped around her front he side, forcing her back against the wall outside the bathroom. A hand went over Ava's mouth as she pled with her attacker, staring hint him down before everything went black.


Ava didn't say anything but kept looking at them all, for any sense of familiarity in them. Why did they want her?

"Okey look, we don't want to hurt you, we just want you to tell us the details of the operation"
"What operation?" Ava shifted nervously in her seat.
"The operation, we want to know how and were it was run from!"
"I don't know what your talking about" Ava shook her head.
"Tell is about the set up"
"I told you I don't know-"
"Corporate with us your you ain't making it out of here Andreas!" One of the men snarled.

She glanced between the men.
They don't know? they don't know.
"What operation are you talking about?" She asked, pretending to have broken.
"The drugs, how are they flying under the radar"
Ava pursed her lips and styled silent, she couldn't give up that quickly. A hand came in contact with her cheeks suddenly and Ava gasped in shock.
"Great Tyler, now she's going have a mark for the video" said the man setting up the camera.
"Just do something about it"


Connor came into the station with a smile. Jay had called him down to the station, close to when Ava was meant to come home. He took the steps two at a time, a modest bouquet of flowers in his hand. When he made it to the top of the stairs all convosation ceased and all eyes were on him. Connor swallowed a lump in his through that had risen, he could tell something was off.
"She's not coming home, is she?" He said, already knowing the answer.
"You might want to sit down for this one" Hank said, stepping out of his office. Connor took a seat and placed the bouquet on Hanks desk.
"A CI sent it in from Johnny's laptop" He pulled up a video and Connor waited anxiously. Hank his the triangle in the middle and the video started.

The camera shook for a bit before steadying. The footage showed a disheveled Ava bound by her ankles to a fold up chair, a harsh light shining done in her. She was wearing jeans and the hoodie Connor he'd given her, a whiskey glass of water in her hands.
"My name is Andreas Myers" she began shakily, clearing reading from a card.
"I have been taken, and will not be realised until the snakes back off of the bulls territory. And the bulls receive a million in compensation, to be paid in drugs or cash"
Ava brought the glass in her hands to her lips, turning her head as she took a sip.
"No harm will come to me if you uphold these promises"
Ava looked right into the camera, "you have 72 hours"
The video stoped and froze on Ava's slim, pale face.

"We made a search of the motel room she way staying in" Jay told him, producing a file with serval photos. Both doors had been smashed in, the desk and chain had been over turned, shower rail ripped from the wall and cell phone smashed.

Connor swallowed yet another lump in his throat, balling his fist on his knee.
"You said you'd keep her safe" He growled at Hank.
"I never made that promise"
"You said she'd be safe!" He shouted, standing up to him, "you said it was one last job!"
"Okey, that's enough" Hailey said coming between them, "we need to talk about the video"
"What about it?" Connor asked in a much calmer tone.
"We need to analyse it, dose anything look familiar to you in it, any voices?"
"We surely it's these Bull people, right? It benefits them directly"
"Not nesscary, this could be a third gang trying to start a war" Jay suggested.
Connor looked to Hailey, seeing there was something else she wanted to say.
"What is it?"
"Her cheek" she showed him on the screen. "It's more matted under the light then the rest of her face, and its slightly off tone. She has a mark under her eye, she has makeup over it"
"They hurt her" Connor said through gritted teeth.

"Why don't we just pay the ransom, I have have half a million by tomorrow" Connor took out his phone to dial his bank.
"No, we're not giving a drug gang half a million" Hank argued putting his hand in the air.
"We need to save Ava"
"Oh yeah, well how's Ava gonna feel about all the extra drugs and guns their going to get with your money?"
Connor was silent, it was shameful but he hadn't thought about that, only about getting Ava back. "It's a last resort then"
"A very, last resort" Hank stressed.

Connor grabbed the keyboard from Hanks desk and started typing.
"What are you doing?" Hank moved to take it off him.
"I'm emailing this to myself" he shrugged him off.
"Connor are you sure that's a good-" before Hailey could finish their was a whoosh as the email sent.
"What can I do to help?" He asked.
"Go home, we'll deal with it"
"No, you did a shit job at keeping her safe, how do I know you'll find her!"
"We'll find her!" Hank barked.
"Go home, Connor" Jay sighed.
"Go home"

Connor stormed out of the office with his flowers and flew down the stairs. He drove home in a rage, he slammed the apartment door closed behind him. Connor screamed and hit the wall, dumping the flowers on the counter. He cried at the flowers, the flowers he had no one to give too. Connor pulled out a vase and filled it with some sugar water, cutting the ends of the stems off and arranging them nicely. Connor rubbed a petal between his thumb and index finger, "Goodnight Avery" he wiped a tear from his cheek.

A/n: Irregular updates who? 🤔🥴

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