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"Wait, he what?" Seulgi immediately questions. Seulgi, Sunmi, and you are all seated in the classroom, waiting for the professor to walk in.

You just recapped them on everything that happened on that date over the weekend. Despite not wanting to embarrass yourself, you ended up disclosing the fact that he started talking about that disgusting sex story. You also mentioned the fact that a random guy on a motorcycle felt so bad for you that he decided to step in and help you get out of the date.

"Why the fuck would he tell you something like that?" Sunmi chimes in.

"And on a first date?" Seulgi states. Sunmi looks at her, bewildered.

"Not even the fact that it was a first date, but while Y/N was eating? That's just so fucked up." Sunmi adds onto Seulgi's statement. Seulgi merely nods her head.

"I'm just more shocked about the fact that he did it on a first date. Like, I get telling funny sex stories to one another when you're already in a serious relationship together but on a first date? Insane." Seulgi states before leaning her elbows onto the table in front of her, examining her nails.

"Oddly enough, I'm not shocked by it. Guys can be fucking weirdos." You chime in. "I'm more shocked that a random guy who literally heard me trash talking his motorcycle decided to help me." You respond.

"Honestly girl, if I didn't know you and overheard a guy telling you a weird sex story, I would've done the same thing." Sunmi states.

"But that's because that's girl code. Any woman would do that for another woman to get them out of a dangerous or weird situation." You reason.

"Yeah but out of pity, even if I wasn't a woman, I'd get you out of it too." Seulgi agrees with Sunmi. She then smirks as she looks over at you, arching an eyebrow. "So, was motorcycle guy hot?" she questions.

You nod your head immediately.

"Oh, yeah. He's also very intimidating looking when he's not smiling though." You state.

"Oh?" Sunmi questions, not also intrigued. "Describe him." She says while gently nudging you.

"Black, curly hair. He was pretty tan. Boxy smile. Flawless skin." You say while recalling his face before shrugging. "And he was wearing a graphic tee, bomber jacket, and black skinny jeans."

"Ooh." Seulgi states before letting out a soft laugh. "Sounds cute."

"I'd say he was the type of guy who's sexy and intimidating when he's not smiling. When he smiled at me, it was like a little kid's smile and he went from being sexy to being adorable." You state before looking down at your laptop as you start pulling up your notes for class.

"Well, too bad he didn't give you his name." Sunmi states. You shrug as you glance over at her for a moment.

"It's not like I'll even see him again anyway." You state before looking back at your laptop screen.

"Exactly." Seulgi states. "Besides, our priority is getting you a date to that party, so back to the dating app." She says, causing your head to turn to her. You narrow your eyes at her as she starts unlocking her phone to start searching for more guys.

She feels your eyes on her and turns to look at you.

"You're not using that app again." You state.

"Yeah, totally dumb idea especially after the shit show Y/N already had to experience with that app." Sunmi states. "We need to try a different method now."

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