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"Homecooked breakfast or order in?" Taehyung questions while looking over at you. You smile up at him and shrug your shoulders.

"Depends on if you want to cook or not." You respond, causing him to let out a soft chuckle. He then shakes his head and reaches for his phone.

"Ordering in it is then, I'm worn out from last night." Taehyung states while starting to place an online order through his phone. He sits down on the bed next to you as you let out a soft laugh. You slowly start to sit up in the bed and flinch slightly while letting out a small noise of pain.

Taehyung hears this and turns his head in your direction for a moment.

Once you're fully sitting up, he places his hand gently on your lower back, rubbing it up and down.

"Yeah, my pussy feels really sore." You bluntly state. This causes Taehyung to laugh before leaning in and pressing his lips gently against yours. He gives you one long, soft kiss before following that kiss up with three or four pecks.

"Let's try not to go that long without having sex again." He states in between pecks. This causes you to smile and nod your head in agreement. "We don't want you hurting every time we fuck just because you're not used to the feeling of me inside you. I want it to be pleasurable both before and after."

"You're cute." You state before pulling away from his lips. You then gently rest your head on his shoulder and stare down at his phone to see what restaurant he's ordering from.

He doesn't even flinch or turn his phone screen away from you. This may be the bare minimum but this is the first time that a man has given you that. You're not sure why but you never feel any doubt about Taehyung and his character or morals. There's this unspoken trust between the two of you that your previous relationships never had.

It's a comforting feeling, actually.

"Where are we ordering from?" you question. He grins down at you, resting the side of his face against the top of your head as he scrolls through the various restaurants.

"Don't know yet." He says before he glances down at you for a second. "Any requests?"

"Anywhere that has a really good eggs benedict." You respond. He laughs softly and nods his head before finding a spot. "I'm going to take a quick shower." You say before slowly getting up from his bed.

"Okay, baby. I think I put a new towel in there but I'd check first before you get in." he states. You nod your head.

"Jimin isn't home still right?" you question. He glances up at the ceiling before checking his watch.

"Uh, I don't think he is but don't go running around naked." He says while laughing. You nod your head and giggle for a second before walking towards Taehyung's dresser and getting a pair of his sweatpants, a loose t-shirt, and a pair of spare underwear of yours that you started keeping here for instances like this.

After the incident last time with your parents, it's better to be safe than sorry.

"When you get out, I just realized something." Taehyung states while you make your way to the bathroom. You turn to look at him while he speaks and pause your walking. "We didn't open our gifts for each other last night. We got too caught up in... that." Your eyebrows raise as you think back. He's right.

"You're right." You respond. "I totally forgot."

"Can we open them once you get out of the shower while we wait for the food to get here?" he questions, eyes sparkling like a little kid asking for permission to go to the ice cream truck. You smile widely and nod your head.

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