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You're now sitting, elbows rested on the table in the food court. You lean forward, letting out a deep breath as you look down at the few bags you managed to get while walking all over the mall.

Seulgi leans back, taking a sip of her smoothie, shaking her head.

Sunmi's seated, leaning over as she takes her heels off, examining her feet.

"My feet hurt." She immediately says, pouting as she sees the bruises and blisters forming on her feet from walking everywhere.

"I told you not to wear those new heels." Seulgi states. "When shopping, you always wear shoes you're comfortable with. Especially when we knew there was a sale going on." She takes another sip of her smoothie.

"My wallet hurts." You say, flinching as you look down at the bags near you. Seulgi laughs before shaking her head.

"You wanted to go shopping." Sunmi now answers.

"And better than you hurting, right?" Seulgi states. This causes you to sigh before shrugging your shoulders.

"I'm not hurting right now but I'm sure I will be later on when I try to buy some food and realized that my credit card is now maxed out." You respond. The two laugh and shake their heads.

"I told you not to go into the makeup stores." Seulgi states. "Clothes are one thing but makeup? That's a different type of shopping." You shrug your shoulders before picking up the makeup bag, which surprisingly weighed more than the other bags combined.

"Yeah but everything in here," you say while pointing at the bag with your free hand. "Is going to boost my confidence again." You state. Seulgi tilts her head to the side as she hears you say this. Her face is expressionless as she stares at you.

Her eyes, however, are filled with disapproval as you say this.

"I know you're joking but just in case I might be wrong, don't use makeup to change yourself because of this." She states. "We were all wrong. It's very rare for all three of us to be wrong but it happens from time to time, I guess."

"I still don't think we were wrong." Sunmi suddenly speaks up. This causes you and Seulgi to immediately look over at her.

"What do you mean?"

"I think there's more to this." She states before looking over at you. "But don't worry about that. Seulgi and I can investigate. You worry about yourself right now."

"Investigate?" Seulgi questions. Sunmi nods her head. Seulgi then takes a second, ready to ask something before she grows quiet, shrugging her shoulders. "Okay, I guess."

You eye the two before immediately shaking your head.

"No, you two have done enough. I didn't even know I liked Taehyung until you two decided to get involved. Leave it alone." You scold. The two raise their eyebrows before making eye contact with one another. Sunmi nods while Seulgi looks over at you before eventually agreeing too. "Good." You state.

"Okay, so now that we went shopping... what do you want to do?" Seulgi questions.

"I want to go home and put away all of my new stuff." You say while grinning. The two laugh before the three of you begin to get up from your seats.

You then make your way towards the parking lot where Seulgi's car is. The three of you get into her car and make your way back to the dorms.


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