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"Hello?" You hear the familiar voice on the other side of the line as you hold the phone up close to your ear. You smile softly as you take a deep breath while listening to him say hello for a second.

"Hi, baby." You greet. You hear a deep breath on the other side of the line. This causes you to nervously bite onto your lower lip as you look down at your other hand and begin picking at the hangnail on your thumb.

"What's up?" he questions.

"I was just with Seulgi a few hours ago and I found out something that I think you'd want to know about."

"Wh-what?" he stutters from the other side of the line. You furrow your eyebrows as he says this.

"It's about Yoongi and her." You respond slowly, now suspicious of his reaction when he stutters. You pause for a second before speaking again. "What did you think I was talking about?"

He lets out a nervous laugh before speaking.

"I thought it was something else... don't worry about it." He states. "What did you find out?"

"Seulgi might have real feelings for Yoongi." You state, allowing your mind to forget about his initial reaction, so happy about the current situation. He lets out a soft laugh on the other side of the line.

"Seulgi?" he questions. "Are you sure about that?"

"She admitted  it outright to me." you respond. You can hear the utter shock in his voice during his next response.

"Wow, she's the least likely in our friend group." He states.

"Right?" you question before smiling. "So, do you have any intel?"

"Intel on...?"

"Yoongi. Is it mutual?" you question. He lets out another laugh. You can tell he's covering his face while he's thinking.

"Ah, I haven't seen Yoongi in person in a while." He states before he grows quiet for a few seconds. "But the last time I talked to him in person, he was going to meet up with Seulgi afterwards. He seemed pretty excited."

"Excited to see her and spend time with her or excited to get his dick wet?" you question. He lets out a sound of disgust.

"Aish, don't say that about him." He states. "He's my hyung, I don't ever want to picture him having sex like that ever again."

"If I have to listen to Seulgi when she gave me the details, I'm going to make you listen too." You respond. He lets out a soft laugh before shaking his head.

"It honestly surprises me that Seulgi and Yoongi are compatible enough to have sex together." He states before speaking once more. "He's so private about his sex life. All he mentions is the name of the person he's seeing... you know, to make sure that there's no chance that two of the people in our friend group are hooking up with the same girl."

"Ah, so he's not a sharer?" you question jokingly.

"I think he just thinks it's awkward." He states. "Like it's different if you hook up with the same girl months or years later. At the same time is way different."

"Makes sense." You state before it gets quiet for a few seconds. After a bit, you speak up again. "So, I have a question. Seulgi wants to test to see if Yoongi feels the same."

"How does she plan on testing it?"

"She would like us to have a double date together. Do you know when you're free to plan something?" you question.

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