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"Alright, ready to get your ass handed to you?" Taehyung questions as he looks over at you with an arched eyebrow and a smirk on his face. This causes you to narrow your eyes at him while pulling the helmet off of your head.

Once it's off your head, you lean all of your body weight onto one hip as you rest the helmet on your other side. Taehyung remains seated on the motorcycle.

"Are you ready to get your ass handed to me?" you question.

"Hm, no, I'm not a fan of pegging." He jokes while staring over at you, licking his lips. This causes you to break character, letting out a laugh. You then reach over and smack his arm. "Ow! Now, BDSM... that I wouldn't mind trying." A joke is the only way he's able to respond to this action. You merely laugh again before rolling your eyes.

"Well, lucky for you, I like a little light choking." You joke back. He arches an eyebrow and merely smirks up at you.

"Are we still telling jokes here or are you really into that?" he asks while slightly scraping his upper teeth along his lower lip. Your smile slowly fades as you lick your lips.

"That's for you to find out..." you respond. This causes him to reach over to you, hooking his thumbs into the belt loops of your jeans as he pulls you towards him. You stumble forward slightly before quickly regaining your balance as you stand directly in front of him. "Eventually." You finish, your voice barely coming out as a whisper. Taehyung merely smiles before letting go of your belt loop with one hand.

His hand then slowly reaches up for your face. His hand gently caresses your hand before he uses his thumb to glide along your lower lip. You swallow, feeling a lump forming in your throat. He then uses his hand to pull your face close to his.

You slightly lean down, seeing as he's still seated on the bike.

He tilts his head back slightly to let his lips reach yours. He gives you a tender, gentle kiss. Letting out a pleased sigh into the kiss, he slowly pulls away.

"That'll be worth the wait, baby." His deep voice sends shivers down your spine. The feeling of his touch on your face causes your body to heat up. He then merely smirks up at you as he sees the way you remain speechless after kissing him. "That should be enough of a distraction for laser tag." He mumbles.

Upon instinct, you widen your eyes and smack his chest lightly.

"Hey! You dick, if you think that's going to make it easier for you to win, you're mistaken." You respond. He then laughs before standing from his motorcycle. Once he sets his helmet onto the motorcycle along with yours, he walks towards you before wrapping his arm around your waist. He leads the way towards the laser tag venue with a wide grin on his face.

Upon entering the place, you see people of various ages running around the dark room with neon, glow-in-the-dark lights sprinkled all over the wall.

"Hey! Get back here!" you hear a little girl yell. While you hear this, you see a little boy running towards you both. You manage to get out of the way but Taehyung isn't able to.

The little boy runs head-first into Taehyung's leg. This causes Taehyung to let out a sound out of shock before he looks down at the boy. The boy's eyes widen as he quickly realizes he's going to get in trouble.

"I'm so sorry, mister. She was-" he pointed backwards at the little girl who was yelling. She's still a decent distance away from the boy. Taehyung interrupts the boy by smiling and crouching down so he's eye-to-eye with the young child.

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