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"So, where is the bad date?" Taehyung questions as he steps towards the area where you're standing. You look over at him and smile softly before pointing towards the direction of the building you were previously in. He looks over there before furrowing his eyebrows. "Ah, so you already got away from him?" he questions. You make a face of uncertainty before nodding.

"I guess you could say that?" you say in a questioning tone, causing Taehyung to furrow his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"This one wasn't a bad date per se." you state before glancing down at the ground. He continues to stare over at you, silently encouraging you to continue explaining. "It was more of a rejection."

"Rejection?" he questions quietly. You nod.

"Two of the past four bad dates you saw me on were setups by Seulgi and Sunmi." You say before scratching the back of your neck. "The other two were my own doing."

"The two I met the other day." He states, causing you to nod.

"Yeah, they set me up on a blind date and then on a round of speed dating and that's how I ended up in those situations." You state. "But this time, I decided to take things into my own hands and ask someone out. Low and behold, I'm here." You let out a soft laugh. He tilts his head to the side while staring over at you. After a few seconds, he steps back towards his motorcycle which is parked right behind him.

Your shoulders slump as you see him walking away.

Of course he's leaving. Why would he be here when you didn't even go on a bad date? He said to call during a bad date, not during a rejection.

You glance down at the ground again, ready to accept the fact that he's leaving.

When you're ready to turn around and go back to your class, you're taken aback by Taehyung holding his extra helmet in front of you. You furrow your eyebrows before looking at the helmet. Turning your attention to Taehyung's face, you see that he's urging you to take the helmet.

His eyes are sympathetic and soft as he stares at you, despite the rest of his face coming off as lacking emotion. You can tell he feels bad about what happened to you.

Without any words, you take the helmet from him. Placing it on your head, you immediately start adjusting the straps around your chin.

"C'mon." he says while nodding his head towards his motorcycle. You nod your head and follow him towards his bike. He gets onto it and you take one big step to straddle the bike yourself. You hesitate before placing your hands on his waist as he starts the engine.

You take a deep breath as you prepare for the speed.

He lifts his leg off the ground and begins balancing the bike as it moves forward. This causes you to tighten your grip on his waist for a few seconds. You lean forward against his back before looking to the side. You watch as the university buildings appear and disappear within seconds as you two speed out of there.

"Where are we going?" you immediately question loudly as he takes a turn out of the parking lot.

"You got rejected and had four bad dates so I'm going to take you to get some coffee." He answers. "You deserve at least one good date... even if it's with just a friend." He speaks loud enough so you can hear him over the sound of the rush of air.

You lean back away from him on the motorcycle as you look at the side of his face as he looks to the side for a second to change lanes. You smile softly as you stare over at him before leaning back against him.

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