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Once you two are at home after going home with Sunmi and making sure she has everything she needs, you put your bag down.

"So, should we get something to eat?" Taehyung questions. You remain quiet as you merely stare at him. He then turns to look at you, eyebrows raised. "Y/N?"

"What was that?" you question. He furrows his eyebrows.

"What was what?"

"You were acting a little weird in the doctor's office. I asked you what was wrong and you just brushed it off and that's not like yourself." You state. He inhales a deep breath before his eyes start darting around the room as he attempts to avoid eye contact. You immediately step closer to him and gently rest your hands on the sides of his face to make him look directly at you. "You can trust me, I hope you know that by now."

He bites onto his lip anxiously as he then glances up at the ceiling, once again avoiding eye contact.

"I know I can trust you." He states. "I just don't want to talk about it."

"Oh. Okay." You state before gently removing your hands from the sides of his face. You then look up at him and tilt your head to the side. "I just want to make sure I didn't do something to upset you."

"You didn't, Y/N." he responds. "You're perfect, has nothing to do with you." You nod your head as he says this.

"Okay." You say before softly smiling. You decide to give up and not push further. If he's struggling with something that has nothing to do with you, that's out of your control. You'd rather drop it and let him know you're here if he does want to tell you about it in the future. "We can get something to eat if you like." You state. He nods his head before looking around.

"Should we go out to eat or do you just want to eat here?" he questions while gesturing to his kitchen. You shrug your shoulders before strolling into the kitchen.

"Depends, do you have anything we can make?" you question before starting to open his fridge. While looking around, you see a few vegetables and cooking ingredients that you could possibly use to make something. He follows behind you and shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm not sure... Jimin is the one who did the shopping last week. Whatever's in the fridge right now is his doing." He states before pointing towards a packet of meat. "Maybe we can use this. I can cook something up for us. Just let me know what vegetables you would like as a side with your steamed rice." He states. You smile softly and nod your head before you tell him what vegetables you'd like to have in your meal. He then nods his head before taking the meat out of the fridge.

He begins cooking while you walk over to his dining table. Upon sitting down, you bite onto your lower lip and glance down at your phone. You see a text from Seulgi that you forgot to respond to earlier.

Seulgi: Hey babe, how was Sunmi's appointment?

Y/N: It was good! Baby's completely healthy.

Seulgi: that's great!

You set your phone down and glance over at Taehyung while he cooks before softly smiling to yourself. Whatever he's going through, you're hoping he's going to figure out a way to overcome it.


Once you two were done eating, you headed home so you could give Taehyung some time alone to deal with whatever he's dealing with.

You decided to take the rest of the day to relax by yourself.

That was about a week ago. You and Taehyung have texted and called since but haven't really had time to hang out in person.

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