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You're now letting out a series of groans as you arch your back to stretch. This action is followed by an immediate recoil of your body, back no longer wanting to stretch as you feel the soreness of it from last night's activities with Taehyung. The soreness causes you to get up, eyes still shut as you wince, reaching a hand up to rub at the eye crust that has started to form on the inner corner of your eye.

Once up, you slowly open one eye and look to your side, greeted by the sight of Taehyung rolled onto his back, arms sprawled near his head as he leans back on the pillow. You smile softly as you look down at him before looking around his room once more. The familiar record player catches your eye as you look around.

You can't believe how artistic and old-fashioned this man is when it comes to his likes and dislikes. His love for older music and vintage things always awes you as he could pass off as one of the attractive men from those times, if he was born into the right era, that is.

Taking a deep breath, you carefully get up and sneak your way out of his room to go to the bathroom. Upon entering surprisingly without waking Taehyung or running into Jimin, you let out a small sigh of relief, locking the door behind you. Once the door is locked, you look up at the mirror and gasp at the sight of yourself.

Your mascara has managed to smudge all over your undereye. Your lips are now chapped and dry. Your concealer has managed to rub off, now revealing the tiredness in your face.

You rush to use the toilet before washing your hands and looking around the bathroom to see what you can use to fix the mess that you once called your face.

Washing your face, you quickly remove all of your makeup so you no longer have racoon eyes. Once all of your makeup is off, you look around Taehyung's bathroom before remembering that you always have a tinted sunscreen and a lip balm in your purse. A real life saver that purse is.

"Shit..." you grumble to yourself, realizing that you'll have to sneak back into Taehyung's room without waking him to get your face looking back to its usual self.

Quietly exiting the bathroom, you walk down the hall again and eye Jimin's room and the kitchen, already not wanting to bump into him. You know he'd wake up Taehyung immediately.

Gulping, you tiptoe across the floor before slowly opening Taehyung's door.

The man remains on his back with his chest slowly rising and falling. You press your lips together and hold your breath as you creep into the room. Spotting your purse in his room, you quickly yet quietly make your way towards it and manage to get it without waking the man.

Sneaking back into the bathroom, you put on the tinted sunscreen, making sure to apply a little extra over your dark circles before grabbing your lip balm and blotting that onto your dry lips. Taking a deep breath, you let out a sigh of relief as you manage to look somewhat presentable.

As you go to enter Taehyung's room again, door already opened, your phone begins beeping.

You widen your eyes and quicky hit the button on the side to silence it, eyes darting to Taehyung's sleeping body. He stirs in his sleep, rolling onto his side.

Looking down at your phone, your heart sinks to the floor.

Your mother has called fifteen times, left five voicemails, and has sent over twenty text messages.

Your mother's panic clearly caused her to reach out to other people to get in contact with you as well. You now notice the other calls from Seulgi, Sunmi, and even from your older brother who doesn't even live in the same country as you.

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