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It's now been a few weeks since you and Taehyung exchanged Christmas gifts.

The past few weeks have been filled with plenty of dates, dinners and lunches with both of your friend groups, and ridiculous amounts of sex. Ridiculous to the point where you and he have been able to explore your multiple fantasies along with his.

Now, you two are currently in the waiting room with Sunmi as she anxiously waits for the gynecologist to call her into the room.

Hyunseung now knows of the pregnancy. Sunmi told him two weeks ago due to her doctor appointments being brought up. He was worried for her health and pried on the topic, causing Sunmi to have no choice but to admit to the pregnancy.

You're not fully sure if he's supportive or not. Sunmi has yet to tell you the results of him finding out.

However, with him not showing up for the appointment today, your gut has a bad feeling about the outcome.

Taehyung gently wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you a little closer to him as he takes a deep breath, inhaling the aroma of your perfume. You smile softly and look up at him before resting your head on his shoulder. He holds you like this for a few more seconds before removing his arm and settling for holding your hand. After all, he didn't want to make Sunmi feel like a burden or third wheel.

"So, Sunmi," Taehyung says while looking over at her. She looks up from the women's health magazine that she was reading and nods her head. "What do they do during these doctor appointments since it's still a little early?"

"Just make sure the heartbeat is normal, do some occasional blood tests in case any diseases or disorders run in my family to make sure my baby isn't at risk right now, and they do the sonogram of the baby." She responds. He nods his head before grinning.

"Well, it's good they do all of that ahead of time." He states before he looks over at her. "Have you thought of baby names yet?" She shrugs her shoulders and then bites onto her lower lip.

"Well, I've been thinking about a few." She states before shaking her head. "But I'm not sure if Hyunseung is okay with the names I've picked out." He then nods his head.

"It's early enough to still have a discussion about it." He smiles softly before glancing around the office once more.

Part of you is glad that he asked a question to get a little more information on Hyunseung and why he isn't here.

Maybe she just wanted you here instead because she already asked you and didn't want you to feel like she doesn't need you. Maybe he'll go to the next one with her. Maybe he's still in shock over the situation but they're talking things out.

You never know, but all you know is that you hope he's responsible enough to realize that this isn't all Sunmi's job. He has to be a part of this too.

"Where is Hyunseung?" you question, causing Sunmi to look up from the magazine once more. She shrugs her shoulder once more before scratching the back of her neck. You tilt your head to the side slightly as you examine her body language. She's nervous.

"I told him about the appointment but he wasn't sure if he could get off work today." She states before sighing softly. "He's been working more hours lately. I can't tell if it's because he wants to save up more money for when the baby gets here or if he's using it as an excuse to not be around me."

"How long have you and Hyunseung been together? Only if you're okay with me asking." Taehyung questions. This causes you to glance at him.

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