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You're now staring at your TV, watching a show called Love on the Pole while thinking about Taehyung.

You're still finding it hard to process how your crush on Taehyung formed. Not because of him not being your type or anything, because he definitely is. Just because of the fact that your crush developed so slowly.

You went from seeing him as an excuse to get out of bad dates to wanting to take him on a date yourself. How did that manage to happen so slowly? Normally, you develop crushes easily. Unless your mind subconsciously knows something you don't.

As you watch the show, you can't help but sigh.

It's so easy for these characters to realize their feelings. The main leading lady's decision is a no-brainer. Ditch the emotionally abusive cheater and go with the sweet, funny pole dancing instructor. It's not difficult. There's no risk of rejection, failed friendships, or drama. It's easy.

Your situation? Not so much.

You lay back on your bed and take a deep breath.

After a few seconds, there's a knock on your door. You glance to the side before yelling out to the person.

"Who is it?"

"Campus food delivery." You furrow your eyebrows as you hear this. Upon recognizing the deep voice immediately, you sit up in your bed and widen your eyes.

This would be the first time you're seeing Taehyung after realizing your crush on him.

Normally, you never overthink or worry about your appearance around him. How are you going to act now that you know you care what he thinks?

You bite onto your lower lip before shaking your head quickly, already knowing you shouldn't get too caught up in overthinking.

You gulp before opening your mouth to speak.

"No such thing!" you yell back out, voice coming out a bit hoarse as you do so. This causes you to shut your eyes tightly, mentally face-palming yourself.

"Okay, bad date bodyguard services!" Taehyung yells back once more. You smile as he says this, reopening your eyes. You then sit up in your bed, sighing as you grab the pillow nearest to you to hold in case you get nervous.

"Door's open!" you say, staring at the door. The door opens quickly, Taehyung's head peeking into the room.

"The door was open the whole time but you made me go through all of that yelling?" he questions, lifting his eyebrows. You take this moment to admire his features as he fully steps into your room, closing the door behind him.

Today, his hair is gelled back with the exception of a little section of hair that's dangling down his forehead. It's parted down the middle.

You stare at the man as he then locks the door behind him.

Today, he's wearing some concealer and you can tell he's used a little bit of eyeshadow. He's wearing a purple dress shirt and black slacks.

"Well, you look nice." You state, causing him to now make eye contact with you. He grins before shrugging his shoulders.

"I know." He states before running his hand through his gelled-back hair. After giving you a little smirk, he then eyes you up and down before his smirk drops. He's staring at you, eyebrows furrowed as a confused face replaces the cocky one. "You're... not dressed?" he asks.

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