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"Well, it was nice meeting you, Taehyung." Your mom says while giving him a friendly smile. You smile over at him before looking at your mom. She then looks over towards the direction where your dad went to get the car.

"It was nice meeting you also, Mrs. Y/L/N." Taehyung says before giving her a wide boxy smile. He then looks in the direction she's looking at before looking over at you.

"Y/N, your father is getting the car and it might be a little bit. The parking garage earlier was very crowded." Your mother says before looking over at Taehyung. "Taehyung, you can start heading home, I feel bad making you wait for us." She says.

"I don't mind at all, ma'am." He says before looking over at you and giving you a small smile.

"What kind of car do you drive?" your mom questions, causing you to widen your eyes and give her a glare.

"Mom." You warn. She ignores your glare and continues to stare at Taehyung as she waits for a response from him.

"Oh, um..." he looks down at the pavement for a second as he gulps. "I actually don't drive a car..."

"Oh? How did you and Y/N get here?" your mother questions.

"Mom, sto-"

"I drive a motorcycle." He says while gesturing towards the bike. She eyes it before arching an eyebrow and looking over at you.

"A motorcycle?" You narrow your eyes at her and tilt your head to the side.

"You saw his bike last night." You point out. She then looks over at Taehyung, a shy smile on her face.

"Well, thank you, Y/N, for making me look like the nosy, annoying mother." Your mother says, causing Taehyung to laugh. You merely roll your eyes before looking over at her.

"Oh, please. You really thought we couldn't see you peeking through the blinds? You're not sneaky, mom." You say before looking over at Taehyung. You give him a smile as he laughs gently, amused at your mother's attempt to act surprised.

Your mother stares at the two of you before eyeing the car as your father pulls up near the sidewalk.

"I'll leave you two to talk for a minute..." she says before looking over at Taehyung. "It was nice again to meet you, Taehyung. Thank you for lunch." Taehyung nods his head before smiling his signature boxy smile over at her.

"Of course, I'm glad that I was able to meet all of you." He says before your mother nods her head and then points towards the car. You nod your head as she walks away and waits for you in the car with your father.

Taehyung looks over at you and you smile up at him, biting onto your lower lip.

"Thank you for lunch." You say softly before scratching the back of your neck. He smiles and shrugs before licking his lips as he stares down at yours.

"Any time, baby." He says before inhaling a deep breath. "I really want to kiss you right now... but your parents are right there." He confesses, voice lowering a little.

You gulp and stare up at his lips and nod your head, no longer staring into his eyes. As he stares down at you, he tilts his head to the side before looking over at your parents car.

He then smirks to himself as he gets an idea.

"Pretend you're cold." He orders. You stare up at him, confused for a second before shivering. He then takes his coat off, purposefully lifting it high and letting it cover the view of you two. While the coat hides you two, he presses his lips passionately onto yours for a few seconds before pulling away and covering your shoulders with the warm piece of clothing.

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