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It's the next morning. You're tossing and turning in your bed, using the covers to try to hide yourself from the sun peeking through your window.

However, unfortunately for you, the covers aren't thick enough to stop the harsh sun from waking you up.

You let out a soft groan before throwing the covers off of you. Sitting up in bed, you look to your left, narrowing your eyes as you stare at the bright sun. While staring over at the sun, you get a glimpse of your alarm clock and see that you've been woken up earlier than you had planned. This causes you to let out a sound of frustration.

After doing this, you begin to stretch your arms upwards and arch your back while doing so.

Once you do your morning stretches, you get up from your bed and start to walk towards your slippers. Sliding your feet into the slippers, you then grab your fluffy robe, wrapping it around yourself.

Once you finish doing this, you sign into your phone to start ordering food to be delivered to your room.

After a few seconds, your door is now being pounded on by a fist. This causes you to snap your head in the direction of the door before stepping towards it.

Upon opening the door, you're greeted by Seulgi and Sunmi holding an iced matcha latte and a bag of breakfast.

"Alright, time to spill about what happened with you and Taehyung last night." Seulgi states while shoving past you to get into your room. You stumble backwards as she shoves past you before rolling your eyes at her.

"Good morning, sunshine." Sunmi states with a smile on her face as she looks at you from outside of your dorm. She then reaches her hands up to teasingly pat you on the head before stepping into your room next.

"Come on in! The door's open!" you sarcastically remark while looking at the two of them. The two merely ignore you before setting up the food on your desk. Seulgi sits on the chair at your desk, starting to eat the breakfast sandwich she ordered for herself. Meanwhile, Sunmi sits on your bed, holding her coffee as she stares over at you while taking a sip.

"Oh, please. At least we got you food before bugging the fuck out of you." Seulgi states, mouth full of the breakfast sandwich as she speaks. This causes you to physically cringe while seeing the chewed up food in her mouth before shaking your head.

"Now, spill." Sunmi states once she finishes taking a sip of her coffee.

"Alright, he took me to a pottery store and we painted pottery together." You state before shrugging your shoulders. The two arch their eyebrows before looking at one another.

"If you don't satisfy our hunger for gossip, we're not filling your stomach with this food." Seulgi gestures towards the food sitting on your desk. "You know us. You know we want more details than that." She states.

"Ugh, fine." You state while rolling your eyes. You adjust your robe before going to sit next to Sunmi on your bed. "So, he picked me up on his motorcycle and he said that this date was his choice since I picked the last one."

"Makes sense." Sunmi nods before drinking her coffee again. You begin reaching for your bedsheets, picking at loose threads, staring at the bedsheets as you continue to speak.

"So, I don't know if I mentioned but Taehyung is a very artistic person. He likes museums, fashion, etc." you state before shrugging your shoulders. "So, he ended up saying this was a 'practice date' for the party and we ended up at a pottery shop."

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