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"You're going too fast!" you exclaim as you wrap your arms more tightly around Taehyung's waist.

"I told you it would be intense the first time riding." He responds while laughing as he twists the handles on the motorcycle. He speeds up a little before changing lanes, causing you to shut your eyes tightly. You press your head against Taehyung's back for protection despite having a helmet on your head.

"Well you said that when you were still going slow!"

"Relax! We're almost there. I just have to stop and get something really quick though, if that's alright with you." He says before making a turn.

"You said we're going somewhere where my friends can pick me up!" you yell back before he slowly turns his motorcycle into a parking space near an apartment building.

"We are!" he says before putting the motorcycle into park, undoing the strap on his helmet. He then removes the helmet and gestures for you to do the same. You let out a soft sigh before taking it off.

You assume that tonight couldn't get any worse anyway. Following him and making one little pit stop couldn't possibly make this night worse.

As you take the helmet off, you take a second to smooth your hands over your hair. He gestures for you to follow him after he sets down his helmet on his motorcycle. You, however, decide to hold onto yours as a safety net for whatever building and situation you're getting yourself into.

You follow behind Taehyung as he leads the way to this apartment building.

He continues to walk before taking out a key from his pants pocket. You watch as he stops at a door and pause behind him. Stepping forward, he reaches his hand behind him to signal for you to follow behind him as he enters the room.

"You can sit down on the couch." he says as you step into the apartment, looking around at the furniture.

It's a nice, homey apartment. The aesthetic of it is warm neutrals.

It has a nice, warm brown couch paired with a wooden coffee table. The entertainment system is made of the same wood used on the coffee table. The kitchen has a warm, darker brown wood making up the cabinets.

"You can take a seat. I just have to grab something." He states. You nod your head before you make your way towards the couch. You sit on the couch and look around, awkwardly keeping your hands placed on the helmet sitting on your lap.

Taehyung leaves the living room and kitchen area. He makes his way towards the hallway leading to where the bedrooms are.

As he does this, you watch him and see that he turns left but there's also another door to the right.

You quickly look away before hearing your phone beep. Glancing down at it, you see that Sunmi is texting you to ask about the date.

You roll your eyes before quickly typing out a 'horrible' text message. You then follow up with a 'I'll be at the café soon. Meet me there and I will explain when I get there' message.

After a few minutes, you hear a door open followed by the sound of footsteps getting closer to the living room. You look in the direction of the area the footsteps are coming from, expecting to see Taehyung.

"Are you ready to head to the café now?" you ask before looking in the direction of the person standing there. "Oh... you're not Taehyung."

You see a slim man standing there with light blonde hair, plump lips, and he's only wearing boxers.

"Uh... yeah, I'm not Taehyung. I'm Jimin." He responds before reaching his hand up to run his fingers through his hair. After he takes a second to yawn and stretch his arms upwards, he realizes that he's shirtless and quickly widens his eyes before using the nearest throw pillow to cover his body. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I just woke up and didn't realize Taehyung had guests. I'll go get dressed." You nod your head before watching the man make his way down the hall back to the room he came out of that's adjacent to the room Taehyung disappeared to.

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