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Taehyung stares over at you, blinking. You gulp as he remains quiet after saying that single word.

The mere silence causes you to immediately reach for your drink.

"So, you have a crush on me?" he questions, clarifying. You nod your head while drinking the soju before pulling the bottle away from your lips.

"Yes, but if you don't feel the same way, it's totally fine. We can just forget I even said anything and take a break from one another until I get over this crush and go back to being friends." You nervously say, feeling yourself starting to slightly sweat as you grow anxious. He stares over at you, visibly worried as he sees you drinking the soju bottle so quickly.

After all, you are almost finished with it already.

"Whoa, Y/N." he states, holding his hands out in front of you. "Slow down a little." You bite onto your lower lip, beginning to use your teeth to pull at a dry spot on your lower lip.

"Okay." You say quietly. He parts his lips for a second before closing his mouth once more. He glances away from you to look down at his lap.

"Let's talk about this one thing at a time." He states. You nod. "So, your crush on me started when we kissed? Am I understanding that correctly?" You shrug.

"Subconsciously? Yes. Consciously? No." he tilts his head to the side, indicating you need to clarify. "I loved the kiss. It was a good kiss. However, I still thought I liked Lucas at the time so deep down, yes. On the surface level, no." He nods.

"Well, I agree. It was a good kiss." He responds. "I would normally never be clumsy enough to trigger the alarm on my bike. However, clearly that kiss was good enough to make me clumsy for a moment." He says while laughing softly.

You smile softly as he laughs.

"Okay... so we both liked it." You clarify, causing him to nod his head.

"Next, when we were pretending, you know we were pretending but wish we weren't?" he questions. You nod your head.

"Every time you put your arm around me or winked at me or started flirting with me, there were moments that I forgot I was acting." You respond. He nods his head.

"I'm going to be honest, Y/N. And I know I'm a very blunt person, but I'm going to make sure I don't hurt you here." he states before making eye contact with you. "That entire thing was acting to me." he states, causing your heart to sink deep into your chest. Your stomach drops and the warmth in your stomach from the alcohol is now causing your stomach to get upset as you grow embarrassed.

"Okay..." you state.

"Now, again, I did like the kiss and I don't want you doubting that. You're a good kisser, beautiful, a sweetheart, and you're so easy to talk to." He states. "But I haven't thought about you in that way." He states.

"Oh." You say, voice coming out quiet and weak. He stares over at you, eyes softening. "I guess I was just being delusional. I thought you weren't acting either but that was dumb of me to assume." You state.

"Not dumb. You're never dumb." He immediately. "Delusional... a little. However, when you like someone you tend to overthink every interaction you have with them, so I don't blame you." He states, reaching his hand forward. He hesitates for a moment before gently resting his hand on your shoulder.

"So, you liked the kiss but don't like me?" you question. He takes a deep breath before nodding his head.

"I figured I'd be honest with you about it." He states. You nod before taking a deep breath.

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