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"So, you're both dancers?" you question while eating your food.

"Yes, I do hip hop dancing." Soojin states while Jimin smiles over at her. He then takes a bite of his food before he gestures to himself.

"I personally do contemporary dance." He states. You nod your head before you take a sip of your drink.

"Have both of you been dancing your whole lives?" you question.

"I went to a fine arts high school actually. I was class president and was studying dance primarily so I guess you could say my whole life." Jimin states before shrugging his shoulders. He then takes a bite of his food, his lips pouting as he chews while looking over at Taehyung. "Taehyung's actually a pretty good dancer, just hasn't done it professionally and he doesn't do it often."

That statement causes you to look over at Taehyung. Taehyung's eating his food and doesn't realize that everyone's now looking at him. He slowly looks up before his eyes widen a little. He then swallows his food before speaking.

"What?" he says while looking between you, Soojin, and Jimin. Jimin lets out a soft laugh.

"I was saying you're a good dancer but that you don't do it often." He states before pointing his finger over at Taehyung. "You know, if you want me to compliment you more, you need to listen." He states before taking another sip of his drink. This causes Taehyung to laugh.

"Ah, my bad." He states before looking over at you. "Yeah, I dance at parties but I'm not too good at it."

"Jimin just said you were good." You respond, arching an eyebrow.

"I mean, I know how to move my body but Jimin can choreograph real dances. I can't do stuff like that." He states. "I'm just a very casual dancer."

"Well, I guess that means I'm the only uncoordinated one here then." You joke before poking your fork into the food you're eating.

"I'm sure Taehyung can teach you." Jimin states while eyeing Taehyung. You don't notice as you're staring down at your plate, now regretting asking about them dancing. Taehyung and Jimin make eye contact, Jimin smirking at Taehyung while Taehyung merely stares at Jimin, giving a warning look.

"I don't know what there would be for me to teach." Taehyung states.

"Ah, you two are going to a party, you could easily teach Y/N some moves." Jimin responds. "Don't be so modest, you're a great teacher." Taehyung grits his teeth while staring over at Jimin, not liking how obvious he's being with these innuendos.

"Maybe." Taehyung responds calmly. You look up at Soojin and see that she's also now uncomfortable.

"So, Soojin, do you want to go for a walk in the park after this?" Jimin suddenly speaks up, most likely sensing that she's uncomfortable based on the way she's sitting. She has her legs tightly pressed together, one hand resting on top of them as she slouches a little. The other hand is holding her utensil.

She looks up at Jimin and smiles softly before nodding her head.

"Sure, that sounds like fun." She states.

"Just us... Taehyung mentioned Y/N has a project to do that she needs help on." Jimin states, causing you to look over at Taehyung as he grins over at you. You merely roll your eyes, knowing that he just wants to hang out longer since he knows Jimin will be out. Despite not meeting Jimin too often, even you can tell the closeness between these two.

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