Life In The Shire

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As dawn returned to the Shire once again I was awoken by crashing from the kitchen. I threw on my robe and slippers and crept through the house to find out what crashing was although, it didn't take me long before I found Father (Bilbo) down on his hands and knees picking up pots and pans off the floor.

"You know, for a Hobbit you aren't that quiet." I crossed my arms and leaned against the circle doorframe. Bilbo was startled by my sudden appearance, his hand jumping up to clutch his heart. "Gosh (Y/N) you gave me a terrible fight," I bent down to help him pick the final pots off the floor.
"I am terribly sorry that I woke you, (Y/N)" He apologized, trying to scoop everything into his clumsy arms.

"It's fine, I would have woken up not long from now." Bilbo smiled at me before standing up, his arms full of pans. God knows why we own so many. But before he could balance on his two feet he knocked off the table nearly stumbling back.
I tried to reach out to him so he didn't fall but i' m not sure what use that would do. Luckily he was able to stabilise himself and plant his two hobbit feet on the wooden floor.

"I don't think i've ever met a Hobbit so clumsy, here let me take those before you launch them across the kitchen." I carefully took the pots out his hands and gently placed them back where they lived as Father wiped himself down.

"We need to take a day to dust every surface of this house, I have dust all over my robe." Bilbo said as he wiped off clumps of dust that he has collected whilst on the floor.  I brushed off Bilbos repetitive cleaning tasks as I began to make myself a cup of tea and once it was done I took it with me into my room. "Are you going anywhere today (Y/N)?" Father called from the pantry. "This is the Shire, there isn't anywhere to go." I call back whilst shutting the door behind me.

As much as I love the Shire and living here with Father, I wonder what life is like outside of it. What creatures live beyond the village? What other kins live in middle-earth? What magic is held out there, so unknown to the Shire? Will I ever get to answer the questions that have been kept in my mind all these years?

It was the third day of the week which meant it was market day. I slipped on my favourite yellow dress that fell down to my knees, some brown slippers, tied my hair is a loose bun and made my way to the front door, however I was stopped in my tracks.

"I thought 'This is the Shire, there isn't anywhere to go."  A grumpy voice spoke from behind me. My hand was just inches away from the front door handle before Bilbo stopped me, at this point it is just a routine. I slowly turned around to Father to see his arms crossed and foot lightly tapping against the spruce wooden planks.

"Father." My shoulders relaxed from where they jumped right up when I was caught "Where are you going off too?" His lips thinned."The market."
"Only the market?" He interrogated. "Yes."
Father held eye-contact with me and thinned his lips more than ever before breaking it.

"Fine, but if you are not back by 7:30 I am sending a search party, and you'll need second breakfast, i'll make toast for when you come home." Wow. That went better than I thought. "I can just go?" I questioned, gesturing my thumb to the door behind me. Father let out a sigh. "Yes you may go."

"Are you sure? Cause you know a big ugly troll may come along and take me away," I teased. "Okay I get it." Father tried to walk away but I continued. "Or maybe a kingdom of Pixies will pick me up with their little hands and flutter away with me in their grasp." I chuckled.

I look over at Father but he doesn't seem to be having fun anymore. "Sorry Father, got a bit carried away." I try to laugh off what just happened whilst  rubbing the back of my neck. "Go, quickly before I change my mind."
"Thank you Father. 7:30 I promise!" I called as I ran out the door and down the steps and towards the market, as I strolled down the paths of the enchanting, raw beauty of the Shire.


"Good morning (Y/N)!" Mrs HornBlowers rosy face lit up when she passed me, with a single hand somehow holding a huge basket upon her head which she managed to dip her head with. "Good morning Mrs Hornblower!" I picked up my dress and playfully curtsied "How are you this morning?" I asked. "I'm doing great, darling, it's a beautiful morning. Good morrow!" She beamed before we continued walking out separate ways and me down my peaceful walk to the markets.

In the Shire everyone knows everyone, that's what makes this village so comforting. Once I finally reached the market, I quickly walked past the other stalls as there is one in particular I am looking for. The flower stall. "Well good morning (Y/N)." Ms Bloom said with a strong accent. Ms Blooms stall only stocks my favorite flower during the spring and summer so I make sure to grab plenty of them when I can.

"Good morning Ms Bloom." I smiled."I am guessing you want the same flower as always?" She said from behind the stall where she was bending down to pick up something. "You know me so well" I have a warm smile as Ms Bloom turned to find my flower. I leaned onto the counter and peaked over as she pulled out my usual flower I ask for every week.

"Here you go, one Rosa Peace."

Rosa Peace:

Ms Bloom laid the singular flower in one of my hands as I pass the money in the other

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Ms Bloom laid the singular flower in one of my hands as I pass the money in the other. "(Y/N)?" I could hear her moving the coins around in her hand as I turned away. "Yes, Ms Bloom?" I peered over my shoulder, my flower midway up to my nose to smell.

"I know this is none of my business, but why do you buy the same singular flower each week? We do sell them in bunches." Ms Bloom presented a large bunch of Rosa Peace's but I only smiled at her.
"Because, I get to come back and buy my favourite flower every week instead of buying them all at once. It is stupid I know but that's how I like doing it."

"That's a lovely excuse, dearie. Although you do not have to pay me this much every week for one flower." She opened her hand to the coins laying in her palm."I don't mind it." I shrugged not seeing a problem. She looked down at the 5 shillings in her hand, the original cost being only 3. It makes myself feel good, and i'm sure it makes Ms Bloom feel good too.I held the flower close to me before walking away to another stall.


The clock struck 7:30 and I am walking up the steps with my findings in my hands. I reach for the door knob but instead the door swings open to a stressed Hobbit. "Father, is something troubling you?"
"Yes! You were meant to be home by 7:30 and it is..." He resided behind to his back pocket and checked his pocket watch to realise that I am right on time.

"Ah. Well, looks like you are right on time, well done." I could physically see his body deflate. "It really isn't that hard, Father." I said whilst walking past him and into the dining room. I laid my stuff on the dining table "So, what did you get?" Father asked peering over my shoulder. Spread across the table was: a Rosa Peace, loaf of bread, paper, ink and a quill. Father picked up my flower.

"Yet another Rosa Peace, one day I am going to open your bedroom door and find you swimming in flowers." I laugh whilst shaking my head as Fathers laid the flower back down. "I'll go put my things away, should I meet you outside by the bench?"
"Yes, of course. I'll make my way there now."

Father and I once every day go outside, sit down and just enjoy each other's presence. I know it sounds stupid as we literally live together but it just feels nice when we make it a part of our day. I searched my bookshelf for my favourite book 'Pride and Prejudice'  and found Father on the bench smoking his pipe.

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