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Blitzø: YOU WHAT?!

Y/N: I want to join IMP!

She stretches out her arms excitedly, expecting a hug from a proud father.

Moxxie scoffs as he wipes her wife's horns of a victim's blood with a white handkerchief.

Moxxie: Why would you want to do that?

Y/N: Because.. uh..

The young hellhound glances at Loona who is leaning against the door with her arms crossed, staring at her. She nods to the kid.

She knows there's no other choice, although she doesn't like killing people, she has to spend more time with Blitzø so he can begin to care for her.

Maybe she could avoid this and spend time with him after work, but Loona told her that after work he goes out almost all the time to the stable or parties or shit like that. And well.. she trusts Loona.

Y/N gulps anxiously and turns to see Blitzø ready to say what she rehearsed.

Y/N: Uh... I want to help and learn to be as cool as you!

Blitzø's eyes widen as he processes that response. She wants to be like him? Why? I mean... he must admit it, it sounds tempting to want to turn a little girl into a ruthless killer but... this must be a trap right?

Loona watches everything from a distance. She knows that Blitzø's pride can be fed by having a bootlicker as an employee, but she knows that it'll still be hard to convince him since this business means a lot to him.

But before anything can be decided, Moxxie interrupts seeing that Blitzø fell silent, afraid that he'd agree to something like that.

Moxxie: Sorry kid, but... IMP is a serious job only for professionals, it's in the name of the company! You can even hear it in that crappy musical jingle we have that I'm NOT going to sing.

The little hellhound tilts her head in confusion since she doesn't know that jingle. After all, that's on a channel that nobody watches. Moxxie just sighs frustrated knowing he was right all along.

Moxxie: This is no place for a little girl with no experience as a hit man to come play with her daddy.

Blitzø shakes his head to come to his senses and stop thinking about something stupid.

Blitzø: Yes, exactly.

Y/N looks down worried and nervous, but turns to see Millie with a glimmer of hope as soon as she puts a hand on her shoulder.

Millie: You know, he's got a point honey.

The young hellhound looks nervously at Loona out of the corner of her eye. Asking for a little help with her eyes since she doesn't know what else to say.

But she only gets a menacing stare from the adult hellhound in return. Reminding her "little sister" of the agreement they had. If she doesn't convince Blitzø, then she will throw her not from the window, but from the top of the building they're on.

Y/N bites her lip as she clutches the skirt of her red dress, wrinkling it. There MUST be something she can do. BUT WHAT?!

Blitzø: Well that's it. We'll get you a babysitter.

Loona: Woah woah, wait.

They all turn their attention to Loona who walks up to Y/N and stands next to her to save the day... Or rather to make sure they don't mess up her plan.

Loona: A babysitter Blitzø? Really?! Do you plan to leave your newly adopted... "daughter" in the hands of a pedophile?!

Moxxie and Millie look at each other confused. The young hellhound turns to look at Blitzø who's clenching his jaw and directs his gaze at Loona.

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