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Riots break out on the streets of hell again as Blitzø speeds his van out of the parking lot. It is thanks to the noisy chaos the impulsive Imp causes, that Y/N is able to track down his family, and follow them from a distance.

The little hellhound had planned to follow them stealthily, hiding in the streets if necessary to be able to go unnoticed and not get into trouble. However, her adoptive father handles his vehicle with all the carelessness and speed in the world, that the cub has no choice but to run as fast as she can to catch up with them.

Since Blitzø doesn't give a fuck about traffic laws, he skips red lights, and crashes into sidewalks, running over garbage cans, one or another post and traffic signs, listening to his music at the loudest volume that his radio allows.

Y/N's forced to risk her life running across the streets, stumbling into the mess caused by the Imp, and losing sight of the van a couple of times, but always managing to find them back due to the ruckus Blitzø causes.

The little hellhound began to feel nervous the moment she got so far away, that she couldn't see the horned building anymore. She's never strayed this far, on her own. Now Y/N knew she was running in unfamiliar territory, far from the office, the shooting range, the obstacle courses, and everything she'd known so far..

She stopped for a moment, panting and looking back. This probably wasn't a good idea.. but she really wants to go to Loo Loo Land.. she NEEDS to go.. The little hellhound inhales deeply, gathers her courage, and keeps running, trying to catch up with the out of control van.


After a long and eventful chase, the I.M.P van makes a stop in front of a huge colorful building. Y/N slows down as she sees the vehicle cross an entrance with gold gates and park in the driveway. She stops, wheezing and sticking out her tongue.

The pup wipes the sweat from her forehead and licks her dark gray nose. Running so much made her lungs burn when she breathed, and yet, she's surprised to have come this far.

Y/N looks at her feet and raises a paw to see the pads on it, they're irritated and with some scratches, but not as sore as the day she went to buy a bottle of liquor for her sister by herself, and that day she hadn't walked the streets as much as now.

Y/N smiles and wags her tail weakly. It may be incredibly difficult and exhausting, but Millie's training has paid off in making her more resilient.

The little hellhound dragged her feet as she approached the entrance and when she reached the huge golden bars, she saw the entire building. A huge elegant and decorative palace! The pup's eyes widen at the sight of the luxurious place.

The exterior and entrance of the place, was full of healthy plants and shrubs of all kinds. She sniffed the air and she could tell it was a completely different smell from the city.

Y/N:  Is this Loo Loo Land?

Y/N was about to cross the entrance when suddenly, she saw the van door open. The little cub pricked up her ears and hid behind the wall, peeking out to see what was happening.

It's hard to make out what's going on from the distance but she can see her Uncle Moxxie get out of the van, wearing dark glasses, and stand by the door, waiting.

She tilts her head in confusion, but then she sees that the great colorful glass door of the palace opens, and two similar tall and thin silhouettes - one taller than the other - come out of the building to approach the Imp and begin to get into the van, the taller one with difficulties due to his large size.

Y/N squints and leans out a bit more to get a better look, but she only manages to make out a blue-gray feathered tail with black tips until it's completely inside the vehicle. Moxxie closes the van door and climbs in through the trunk, squashed by a pile of Blitzø junk.

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