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The dim light from the infernal red sky of Pride Ring barely illuminated the living room in which Blitzø was sitting on his couch, hunched over and with his laptop resting on his legs. The pale morning light illuminated his face as he pored over his clients' emails.

A coffee mug with the text "Boss Bitch" embedded on it was being wrapped by his tail. He drank from it, hoping the bitter taste and aroma of the hot drink would bring him back to the present.

Despite having his eyes glued to the screen, his mind wandered to the personal problems that tormented him. For some reason, this time neither the coffee nor his work was enough of a distraction to ignore them like it usually did. The Imp ran his hand over his face and sighed in frustration.

Blitzø: For fuck sake, come on Blitzø,  focus..

He shook his head, trying to get rid of his emotions. His job as a hitman required total attention, he couldn't let the problems of his personal life invade his professional career incessantly.

Sip by sip, Blitzø tried to immerse himself in his work, but was interrupted by memories of the discussions with Loona and the attempts to find a solution to the situation with Y/N.

As he put the warm cup of coffee to his lips again, the Imp realized that it was already empty. With a resigned sigh, he closed his laptop and stood up to pour himself more coffee.

Blitzø scratched his butt and stretched from the tip of his tail to his horns, letting out a loud groan until he reached the kitchen, where he grabbed the coffee pot with the drink still hot and poured himself into his cup, waiting for a caffeine refill.

Although he preferred iced coffee, it was easier and faster to prepare a hot one, and he admitted that the aroma of the drink in the morning was refreshing.

Watching the thin trickle of steam rise from the dark liquid as he poured it into his cup, the Imp heard the door to his daughter's room open.

He looked out, but felt a pang of irritation when he saw the hellhound leaving the room was Y/N.

The hellhound pup approached Blitzø, full of energy, wearing her signature red dress that swayed with every movement, and wagging her tail greeted her father.

Y/N: Hi dad!

Looking down at the kid smiling at him, Blitzø understood the frustration he was feeling didn't come from the pup's usual irritating happiness, but rather that she reminded him of the dispute he felt inside about what to do with her. Something he felt he needed more time to make a decision.

The Imp put the coffee pot back in its place - just before his drink overflowed from the mug - and tried to make a casual conversation with the little girl.

Blitzø: Hey. How'd you sleep?

Y/N: Good! I had a very weird dream.

Blitzø: Oh yeah?

Y/N then started pacing around the kitchen, seeing what to entertain herself with.

Y/N: Yeah. I dreamed that I was in a room full of mirrors, like the one in Loo Loo Land, but the reflections looked strange.

Blitzø: Mhm?..

Y/N: Everything was dark and there was no one there... well there were strange noises but I didn't see anyone, then I couldn't find how...

The Imp took a sip of his freshly poured coffee, losing interest in the little fluff's dream. He headed back to his living room as Y/N followed him still talking and he opened his laptop once again.

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