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Loona snored passively, resting her legs on her desk.  Her saliva came out of her muzzle.  But her peaceful nap was interrupted when the entrance door of the I.M.P headquarters was opened without any discretion. 

She jerks awake from the noise and sits up grunting, looking in the direction of the door to see who interrupted her sleep.  Just what she needed.  It's Y/N, it looks like she got busy outside, as she's completely disheveled, dirty and panting rapidly with her tongue hanging out.

The adult hellhound looks at the clock behind her to see what time it is, it looks like the little rat's been gone for over an hour.  What the hell happened to make her look in such bad shape? 

The young hellhound approached using all her strength towards Loona, filling the entire office with a repulsive aroma.  The receptionist wrinkled her nose and coughed when having her stinky adoptive sister close to her.

Loona: What the fuck?!  You smell like drunk homeless shit!

Y/N just put the beer on her older sister's desk without further ado. And between gasps she responded to her.

Y/N: There!  A bottle just like the one you had!

Loona looks at the filthy pup, then at the beer.  To her surprise, that bottle was in better condition than the kid.  And besides, it seems that she chose the right type of beer. The receptionist hellhound turns to see Y/N who stares at her.

Y/N: Did I do well?

Loona frowns as she sees that her "apprentice" is waiting for some sort of approval. Apparently this girl is too naive if she still thinks this was all some kind of "mission", and she finds that irritating. 

However... The mentor looks at Y/N's bad state, although Loona's annoyed that she clearly lacks intelligence, she notes that that girl didn't have a pleasant time to get her that drink, after all, she didn't give her money ..even though that was Y/N's fault, and still, she found a way to get her that drink, and she ended up a mess for that. 

A part of her is curious of what she had to do to get that beer, but she prefers not to think about it, it's better for everyone if she doesn't empathize with the little rat. 

Seeing that the little hellhound is still looking at her waiting for an answer, Loona rolls her eyes and takes the bottle from her to drink it.

Y/N's eyes light up and she focus on her older sister, waiting for a reaction.  Loona after swallowing some of the drink, puts it down on the table.  She gives the pup a serious look and gives her an answer to get her to stop looking at her.

Loona: It's warm.  This tastes better cold.

Y/N: Oh..

The young hellhound lowers her ears and sits on the floor exhausted.  Even so, she sees Loona keeps drinking from the bottle and she doesn't look upset, she doesn't express any emotion, but she doesn't look angry either. So Y/N smiles again a bit, she didn't do too bad then.

Then the red phone on Loona's desk rings.  She puts her drink down and answers.

Loona: Hello, I.M.P..

The little hellhound can't quite hear the call, she only hears a very low babble, but she manages to make out Blitzø's voice.

Loona: Uh huh.

Then her older sister hangs up and from a drawer she takes out the grimoire, and with a movement with her hands she makes the text of the book shine. 

Y/N's seen that book shine like that before, but still, it continues to amaze her like it's the first time she's seen it.  Her pupils dilate as she sees the portal opening the way for the three Imps to return to their world.

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