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Stolas: Did you say Octavia? Have you seen her?

The prince Goetia looks at the hellhound with an eager gleam in his eyes, but the pup just stares at him, her head tilted all the way up to see his face.

Y/N: You're tall.

Stolas blinks confused, not knowing what to answer. He chuckles awkwardly, looking around for any clue of his daughter, but seeing nothing around him, he crouches down to see the young hellhound face to face.

Stolas: Excuse me, little one, you mentioned my daughter Octavia's name. Is she around here?

The gentleness in the Goetia's four eyes gave the pup a sensation of safety which caused her to smile and nod.

Y/N: Yep! She's right here!

She pointed behind her, expecting to see Octavia, but there was no one there. Confused, the hellhound perked her ears and looked around her, alert for any sound or smell.

Y/N: Octavia?..

The cub looked at the owl prince, afraid that he'd think she was lying, but he just got up, determined to go into the mirror maze. Was Octavia hiding from her father?

Before she could wonder why, seeing the Goetia walk away towards the maze, Y/N, worried, ran towards him and grabbed his feathered tail.

Y/N: Wait!!

She stopped and pulled his tail as hard as possible, but her strength is not what stops the Prince, but his curiosity ay seeing the hellhound's null attempts.

Seeing the peerage owl's gentle but impatient gaze, Y/N quickly lets go of her tail, ignoring the pain in her hand and giggles nervously with her ears down.

Y/N: It's just... I don't know how to get out of here...

Stolas looks out into the maze once more, right now he knows he doesn't have time to worry about someone else's daughter.

Stolas: Where are your parents?

Y/N: I don't know where they are right now..

He looks behind the pup, remembering what that little Imp told him when he entered the "Funhouse" about everything being on fire. He thought it was an exaggeration, but now that he looks closely at the hellhound, he can see she's a little beaten up and small enough to be left on her own in that fire.

Hesitant in his haste and need to find his star fire, the prince sighs and gestures with his hand for Y/N to follow.

Stolas: Alright then, I'll go get my daughter first and then I'll guide you out.

Y/N smiled hopefully and followed him closely. During the journey through the maze, the hellhound keeps her eyes on the tall royal owl, making sure not to get lost in there again.

Stolas meanwhile walks around the place as if he knows it like the back of his hand while he looks around for the sight of her owlette.

Before long they exit the mirror maze and stop when they reach a set of rotating mechanical apples. Y/N looks curiously at Stolas, who stares blankly ahead. The hellhound looks towards the game where she sees Octavia trying to hide as she curls up in one of the game seats.

She doesn't understand the origin of that sadness, having her father looking for her, with a fire outside... why does she want to get away from him?...

She takes a step trying to get to talk to the teenage Goetia again, but Octavia's father's arm stands in front of her, stopping her.

Stolas: You stay right here, I won't be long.

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