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Once again, it's Loona's turn to care for and train Y/N.  Something that clearly didn't excite the adult hellhound.

Loona uses the grimoire to close the portal that Blitzø, Moxxie and Millie just crossed for their next objective, while Y/N says goodbye to them and looks outside the world of the living amazed as if it was the first time she saw it.

The young hellhound is unfazed by the look of contempt with which her adoptive sister looks at her.

Loona had to put on more makeup than usual to hide her lack of sleep due to her contempt for the pup.  However, her dark circles are still visible.

The adult hellhound sits down and drinks straight from a bottle of alcohol on her desk.  She doesn't want to admit it, but the image of Blitzø carrying that little rat, snuggling up to him in his arms and seeing him tuck her into her bed with surely so much feigned affection, has left Loona sick to her stomach.

Not only that, but it keeps irritating her the memory that he didn't punish Y/N ​​harshly the night she made a mess in the whole house, plus he let her sleep in HIS OWN bed/sofa after all that.

Loona sighs and holds her aching head, surprisingly not from a hangover.  She's convinced Blitzø's only doing his best to annoy her with this but... this has already gone on for a while now... despite how inconvenient it is for him in many aspects and... he's never put so much effort into a racket like that..

The adult hellhound shakes off those thoughts and rubs her brow in frustration, she can't afford to care about that shit.

Then, as if the world wanted to send her a sign of scorn, Y/N approaches her older sister, eager to begin her training.

Y/N: What are we gonna do today, big sis?

Loona doesn't feel available to deal with this bullshit.  For now, she just wants to get rid of that repulsive gray ball of fur.

Loona: Get lost..

She turns her back on the young hellhound and drinks one more time from the bottle, hoping the migraine will subside.

The kid ignores Loona's insult and shares her excitement by expressing her thoughts.

Y/N: I thought you could teach me to run faster!  Oh!  Also maybe you can teach me how to use the claws!  Millie told me that my claws could help me with many many things and she told me to ask you to train me for that!!  Oh oh!  I know!  She also told me our legs are SUUUUPER strong!  so could you teach me how to jump higher or...

Y/N ends up lost in thought, wagging her tail in anticipation as she keeps babbling. 

The joy of the little hellhound however, is too irritating for Loona, who keeps drinking while ignoring her, until the last drop of alcohol is consumed by her. 

To the bad luck of the hellhound in charge, she needs more than one bottle to get drunk or pass out, so the chatter of her adoptive younger sister keeps screwing up her life.

At this point she's so dazzled by Y/N, that an idea that crosses her mind, no matter how irresponsible it is, is good in exchange for some peaceful alone time.

Y/N: Oh!  Oh!  Maybe you could train me to use that little magic book that dad has and you use!  So I could go to the world of the living when I want and-..

Loona shuts the young hellhound's muzzle with her hands.

Loona: You want to train?  Fine!  This is your mission.

She takes her hands off the kid to grab her empty bottle and show it to her.

Loona: I want you to go out and get me a drink just like this.

Y/N: YES!!!

Y/N jumps euphoric, not really caring what the mission is but for having a mission and that's it.  She then grabs Loona's hand with both arms and begins to pull her out of her desk.

Y/N: Come on sister!  Show me where to go!

But then her adoptive older sister aggressively lets go of her and smears her hand in her shorts with disgust.

Loona: Oh, I'm not going.  You'll go on your own.

Y/N: What?!

Loona: Yeah, yeah, it's some sort of independence training or whatever.  On a real mission we aren't gonna be holding your hand telling you what to do like a baby.

Loona sits down at her desk again while the young hellhound looks towards the exit of the office, this time more insecure than excited.

Y/N: But... I don't know where to get a bottle like that.

Loona: It's hell, there are liquor stores everywhere, you'll find one.

Y/N: What is "liquor"?

Loona: DUH It's the drink inside these bottles dumbass.

The adult hellhound's patience quickly wears thin as the short hellhound stares at her with a doubtful look.

Y/N: But.. what if I get lost?

She menacingly stands up from her seat and intimidates the cub.

Loona: Then look for this fucking building! It's literally the only tower with some giant horns in it, it's not so hard!! Now get the hell out of there unless you want to disappoint Blitzø when I tell him you don't follow my orders!

The little hellhound's fur bristles in fear at the thought of a punish and nods quickly, accepting her mentor's "training".

Loona: Great, you'll need green to buy that bottle.

She bends down to get money out of a drawer in her desk.

Loona: Give me my change, little rat, or I'll-

But when she turned to Y/N, she had already left the office running, eager to follow orders without even thinking that she needed money to buy that drink.

Loona just shrugged, and settled into her desk to take a well-deserved nap.  Better for her, that'll take more time for that fluff to get the money from somewhere.

Loona: Finally, peace..

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