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Y/N Runs out of the gift shop and looks around. Many of the rides you don't understand what they are or what they do, but they look amazing and fun. The pup can't stop her tail from wagging.

Y/N: Which ride do we get on now?

She turns to see her sister, but Loona's nowhere to be found no matter which way she turns.

Y/N: Loona?

Before she can approach the gift shop again, a huge smiley face appears out of nowhere in front of the little hellhound.


Y/N is startled by the sudden appearance, but seeing it's a giant apple with arms and legs, she smiles in wonder.

The smiling, toothless apple takes off his hat to introduce himself.

Loo Loo: I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo Land! Are you having fun?

The little hellhound nods, happy although confused to meet someone so different and charismatic.

Loo Loo: YUPPIE! And remember, we are not responsible for loss of objects, people, limbs or virginities here at Loo-..

Y/N: Are you really an apple?

Loo Loo: That's right, little girlie! Technically speaking the forbidden fru-..

Y/N: You live here?

Loo Loo: Uuuh..

Y/N: Has anyone tried to eat you?

Loo Loo: Once off work, but they offered to pay me so...

Y/N: Is your mom a tree?

Loo Loo stares at the pup, wondering if she's on drugs.

Y/N: Have you ever wondered what you taste like-..?

Loo Loo: Enough of me. Tell me little girl, what's your favorite game?

Y/N: Hmm I dont know. I've only been on one.

The anthropomorphic apple takes the pup by the shoulders and pulls her towards him.

Loo Loo: Oh boy, oh boy! In that case, follow me! You need someone to give you a five star tour and show you the best games around!

The little hellhound was about to tell Loo Loo it'd be better to find her older sister, but she's interrupted by a sudden scream.

???: NOOOOOOOO!!!!

Before being able to see where the scream was coming from, Y/N feels a big push, and the next thing she knows she's on the ground, being held tightly by someone who's hissing at Loo Loo, whom she doesn't recognize until she hears his voice.

Before being able to see where the scream was coming from, Y/N feels a big push, and the next thing she knows she's on the ground, being held tightly by someone who's hissing at Loo Loo, whom she doesn't recognize until she hears his voice

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Y/N: Uncle Moxxie?!

Y/N's words were muffled by the Imp's arms, who tightly covers her protectively.

Helluva Boss X Reader (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now