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A small bare bulb hanging from the ceiling shines weakly, casting gloomy shadows on the stark gray walls of a small apartment. The room was kept dark because of the dirty windows covered by a thin, dusty curtain that let in little natural light. The aroma of coffee spread slowly through the stale, stagnant air.

An old moka pot, worn metal and full of time marks, sat on a lit burner in the small kitchen. The soft and constant sound of water boiling at the base of the coffee pot, almost a whisper in the oppressive silence of the place, was the only sign that someone lived in there. That and... one more sound.

Faint and desperate moans and gasps were barely heard, mixed with the creak of a rope being tightened and the creak of a wooden beam, from which a rope was supported.

Erratic movements of feet kicking in the air, trying to reach a point to support without success. Desperate rattles and gurgles, while hands with bleeding nails tried to remove a rope from a reddened and scraped neck.

While the miserable human made terrifying attempts to escape, the voice of a small demon overshadowed the rest of the sounds in the apartment.

Blitzø: So, after I gave Mills permission to do her "training experiment" she told me that it wasn't ME she wanted the kid to train with, but with Moxxie. MOXXIE! Can you fucking believe it?!

The Imp held the rope firmly in his hands while he watched his target writhe desperately, ignoring the venting of the demon that came to kill him, pretending the murder was a suicide as the client requested.

Blitzø: She thinks it's better for that weak little shorty to train our apprentice instead of me?! What are they gonna do, a pillow fight?!

Blitzø pouts and uses his tail to pull the rope so he can cross his arms comfortably, knowing perfectly well what Millie's training exercise for the pup was, but also feeling left out of a non-existent pillow fight.

Blitzø: And then she "suggests" that I do this mission alone! I'M the boss and I'M the one who should take these decisions!!

The aroma of coffee interrupts the Imp's complaints, who sees the coffee maker in the small kitchen of the one-bedroom apartment.

Blitzø: You don't mind if I help myself to a cup of coffee, right?

Without even waiting for a response from the human in agony, Blitzø walks to the kitchen to get a cup, still pulling on the rope, causing even more pain in the dying being who keeps shuddering. He takes a sip from the cup of coffee, still grumbling.

Blitzø: Damn couple of sweethearts.. Ugh, Moxxie, what good is he going to do in a training session where they don't even use real weapons? I could help train that little girl much better than him...

The Imp takes one more swig from the cup before slamming it against the opposite wall in anger, the rest of the coffee dripping down the dirty gray cheeky walls.

Blitzø: But NOOOO, I'M the one who has to go on the mission ALONE, because "I'm the boss".

As he made the quotes with his hands, Blitzø also pulled on the rope, highlighting each word he made, treating the poor human being like a puppet, going up and down as his body weakened.

Blitzø: I mean, yeah, I'm the boss, obviously but that's why I'm the one who should make the final decisions, right?... Well.. yeah, I authorized them to try their weird shitty training at the end but you get me... right?

The movements of the human were getting slower as the seconds passed, just as his desperate sounds decreased and his twisted body made small spasms from time to time.

Helluva Boss X Reader (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now