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After Moxxie returned, he immediately tended to his boss's wound by bandaging him and putting a sling on him, making sure he was fully recovered in no time.

Loona, on the other hand, called Mrs. Mayberry on the phone so she would come to pay them and, incidentally, celebrate that they killed that bitch.

Before long, there was a cake on the meeting room table with the words "We did it :)" written in blue icing on it, with every employee and customer wearing party hats, taking a piece of cake, even Moxxie, who has a disturbed expression on his face and has been deep in thought ever since he returned from the human world.

Y/N stands on her toes and leans out to see the cake, salivating as she watches each one take a piece. Mrs. Mayberry pays attention to the pup who's wagging her tail and whose pupils dilate and brighten as she looks at the food.

She smiles and takes the knife to slice her a piece and give it to her. Y/N gives her a big smile and carefully takes the plate as she looks at the sinner.

Y/N: Thank you!!

Mrs. Mayberry: You're welcome, little one, you remind me of one of my students from my past life.

Y/N: Really?!

Mrs. Mayberry: Yes, she's a good kid.

Although unlike the hellhound, Mayberry didn't give her cake.. rather.. threw her against the ceiling.

Mrs. Mayberry: I was a teacher, you know?

Y/N: A teacher?! Wow!!... is that like.. a mentor?

The demon nods and giggles, this is her first interaction with a kid here in hell, the last time she interacted with children in the world of the living was to show all her students from elementary school how she blew her brains out after murdering her husband and almost the bitch who she no longer has to worry about with a shotgun and a chainsaw. But she must admit, she always loved children.

Before she can keep remembering her old life, a hand lands on her shoulder and when she turns to see, she finds Blitzø.

Blitzø: Yeah, well, as for the payment... you still owe me, tits.

Mrs. Mayberry growls slightly and turns to speak to the head of the company she hired, leaving the little hellhound looking at the piece of cake with excitement.

Y/N turns from one side to the other, looking for Loona, and sees her going to her desk, isolating herself from everyone. She tilts her head in confusion and begins to follow her.

On the way she sees Millie sitting next to Moxxie on the burnt coach trying to feed him cake into his mouth, blowing a raspberry, though her husband is unfazed.

For a moment Millie's eyes meet hers, Y/N perceives the seriousness in her eyes, so she gets nervous and walks past to where Loona is.

The adult hellhound, after tapping on the destroyed computer screen, leans back in her seat, putting her legs on the desk and playing with the cake, using her plastic spoon, thinking.

After all this... how will things be with the fluff? Whatever has changed back there... if she won't try to do anything against that kid anymore to get her back to that hell within this hell... if Blitzø keeps her... if he actually adopts her... if he plans to... Does he plan to? .. and if he does.. what will happen to...?

Her thoughts are interrupted when she sees the little furball standing next to her, holding the cake and smiling as usual, wagging her tail. She's startled, she didn't even hear her footsteps.

Loona hides her concern by settling back in her seat and nodding upwards.

Loona: How's the cake?

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