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Blitzø gets out of his van and heads towards his apartment, he rubs his ass, grunting in pain.

On his visit with Stolas, he had to do all sorts of things in order to come to an agreement that they couldn't EVEN finish discussing.  The Imp doesn't remember exactly why, but it probably had something to do with the prince's wife arriving earlier than he expected.

Blitzø takes his new cell phone out of his pocket, remembering that eventually that lecherous owl would call him to finish "agreeing the last details of the deal", or rather, fuck aggressively.  At least for now, Stolas lent the magical book to him so he could continue the business.

The Imp sighs bitterly while swiping through his email notifications to see if he has any messages from that feathered dick. 

But it's just the usual stuff, complaints from Moxxie from other days for being late for work, death threats for committing tax evasion, fake extortion, and.. Oh well, a message saying the eels he ordered will arrive tomorrow, that's recent. But other than that nothing else. 

Blitzø puts his cell phone away when he gets to the door, hoping to finally rest once and for all, he takes the keys out of his other pocket but stops when he sees Y/N is sitting in front of the door, looking into his eyes with a smile and holding her red dress in her hands.

Blitzø: Hey, shorty, what are you doing out here?

Y/N: I don't have any keys, so I waited for someone.

The Imp narrows his eyes in confusion.

Blitzø: Loona kicked you out of the house or something?

Y/N: Uh no.  I wasn't with her all day.

Blitzø: What?  How the fuck not?  How long've you been waiting here?

Blitzø wags his tail impatiently.  However, the little hellhound's still smiling calmly.

Y/N: Well, Loona said she was going out and sent me to Uncle Moxxie and Auntie Millie!  I was with them ALL day.

Blitzø: Uncle what the fuck now?

Y/N gets up energetically and wags her tail.

Y/N: Yeah!  It was fun!  And they gave me this new dress!  See?

The little hellhound, still holding the red dress in hand, spins around, showing off her new cream colored dress a the hems fall gracefully. Y/N looks up at her adoptive father with a big smile and twinkle in her eye.  Then she gives him the red dress.

Y/N: Auntie Millie washed my red dress too.

Blitzø holds the red dress that Y/N gave her and stares at it thoughtfully.  He hasn't spied on that pair of lovebirds for some time, so he feels some intrigue about what they've been up to, he turns to look at the hellhound pup curiously.

Blitzø: And how much did they do apart from that?

Y/N opens her mouth to speak, but the Imp's intrigue quickly fades as he realizes that Loona disobeyed him and went off to who-knows-where without the little fluff.  Blitzø silences the little hellhound by putting a finger to her lips before she can speak.

Blitzø: Wait!  Did Looney told you where she was going?

Y/N shakes her head unable to speak.

Y/N: Hm-mh

Blitzø: And she hasn't arrived yet?!

The little hellhound shrugs, making an "I don't know" sound, and holds the Imp's hand to remove his finger from her lips so she can speak.

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