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In the Imp tower, black smoke comes out of the window of one of its highest floors, where the I.M.P. headquarters is located.

A couple of firefighter Imps put out the fire created by the electric eels.

Meanwhile, all the members of the company are outside the building. Loona checks her cell phone as if nothing bad has happened, while Y/N, Moxxie and Millie look at their boss, trying to close the deal with the sinner, who's standing by a taxi with the door open, ready to shove off.

The new customer doesn't seem too sure about hiring the company's service after the disaster happened, so she looks seriously at the Imp in front of her.

Mrs. Mayberry: How do I know you'll do your job?

Blitzø: Don't worry, tits, at I.M.P we hire the most professional assassins for this job, it's guaranteed there'll be no failure in your order.

Miss Mayberry, however, raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms doubtfully.

Mrs. Mayberry: Is that so? Because from what I can see, your employee over there almost pierced our heads with one of his arrows by accident before destroying all the workspace. There's the proof.

She points to the building still smoking from the fire. Moxxie looks away in embarrassment as his wife pats him on the back.

However, Blitzø chuckles nervously as he slowly lowers his client's arm with one finger.

Blitzø: Those are just occupational hazards, any hitman knows it.

Even so, Blitzø gives his employee a death stare, making the accused Imp more uncomfortable. He turns to see Mayberry once more with a nonchalant face.

Blitzø: You can trust the company and we're gonna prove it to you by killing that bitch right away.

The sinner looks at him, frowning, and as she accepts she has nothing left to lose, she sighs.

Mrs. Mayberry: Fine..

Blitzø grins and wags his tail excitedly, until Mrs. Mayberry leans too close to his face menacingly, forcing the Imp to lean back and shrug.

Mrs. Mayberry: But don't expect me to pay you now!

Despite the sinner's intimidation, Y/N tilts her head curiously as she sees Mayberry's hair is wavyly floating like fire and a red aura surrounds her body.

Before Blitzø can say anything, the customer steps back, puffing on her cigarette and exhaling smoke.

Almost instantly, she relaxes, causing the red aura to disappear and her white hair to go back to normal. Then she turns to see the head of the company, bitterly.

Mrs. Mayberry: I'll pay you until the job's done. The last time I trusted anyone I ended up down here. I won't take any more risks. I hope you understand.

Blitzø on any other occasion would've protested, especially for making the ridiculous excuse of a broken heart, but after the mess his employee made, he must close the deal if he wants her to hire them.

Before giving Moxx another glare, he fakes a smile at the client.

Blitzø: As you wish, ma'am.

Mrs. Mayberry nods and gets into the taxi closing the door, before leaving, the Imp sticks his face in the car window to see her and speaks loudly, causing her to startle.

Blitzø: We'll call you when the job's done.

The taxi driver honks causing Blitzø to startle and move away, still waving goodbye.

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