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Y/N yawns after a long morning and makes sure not to stumble on the sidewalk or lose sight of the Imp ahead of her, who is leading her to an unknown location.

After a giddy night of entertainment, Blitzø decided to wake her up early to clean up all the mess from her before going to work.

And once at the IMP headquarters, she now has to take a long walk with Moxxie, since today, it's his turn to train her, but apparently, her training won't be in the building.

Which for her, Loona and Moxxie, was a relief. Y/N couldn't help but feel the piercing glare of anger from the adult hellhound after learning that Blitzø let her sleep on his own couch and didn't beat her ass for her antics.

And for Moxxie, well... he wouldn't like the idea of ​​having Loona by his side to humiliate him in some way or another.

However, he doesn't love the job he has to do today. Moxx would rather be stalking humans and killing them with his beloved wife. But if he has to do this once in a while so he can have a little privacy with Millie, like last day, he'll have to do it. And it's not like he has any other choice anyway.

The good thing about this is that his boss won't be around to tell him how to do this.

Finally the thoughts of both are interrupted when they reach a metal mesh, which shows an outdoor space on the other side.

Y/N tries to peek through the metal mesh, curious as to what's on the other side, but Moxxie starts walking hastily towards the entrance of the place, so the young hellhound doesn't have time to process what's there.

She runs to Moxxie, who watches her as she reaches him. Once she is in front of the Imp, he opens the metal mesh door and stands aside for her to pass.

Moxxie: After you.

The little hellhound holds up her red skirt and curtsies in thanks, then walks through the door and looks at him curiously.

Y/N: What is this place?

The Imp in charge of the girl closes the door and walks next to her, entering the place.

Moxxie: Since your father wasn't specific about what to do with you, I decided I'll train you the only way I know how.


Y/N screams in fright as she hears a shrill gunshot near where they are. She hides behind Moxxie, seeking protection, but he is unfazed by her fear for looking at the place with excitement.

He turns around to face Y/N and extends his arms.

Moxxie: Welcome to the shooting range!

The little hellhound, not perceiving fear in Moxx, leans out, without detaching herself from him, to look around.

In that open space there is one or another Imp, shooting at targets at certain distances, with different weapons of different sizes. There are some tires and sacks lying around in piles, where some Imps hide before shooting.

Those gunshot noises paralyze Y/N completely, even when Moxxie walks away from her to approach an Imp who works on the place to rent a gun.

Once Moxx thanks the employee for the weapon, he heads towards the young hellhound.

Moxxie: I trained in this very place to become an expert in weapons and be able to have my job as a hitman. And now...

He gets down on one knee proudly and puts a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Moxxie: I will be your mentor.

But the kid takes a step back with her eyebrows raised and pulled together.

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