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The day with Y/N ​​wasn't something Moxxie planned.  The romantic walk through the city with his wife turned into a casual walk to entertain the little kid. 

Millie seemed to have enjoyed it anyway, her husband wishing he had her optimism.

But now, Moxx inhales anxiously upon reaching the place and moment he's been waiting for the most.  The theater.

The Imp only had a single wish right now.  Whatever happens, please don't let the hellhound ruin this moment for him or his dear wife.

M&M and Y/N stand in the theater lobby.  Moxxie looks at the box office, where apart from selling tickets to other shows, the tickets for the show they're going to see are already sold out. 

The Imp silently thanks Satan that they managed to get the tickets on time.  But he knows they'll have to see how to take care of sneaking the little hellhound into the theater.

Going deeper into the lobby, they find themselves in a red carpeted corridor, where in front of them is the entrance to the room where they'll see the play.  In front of the entrance, is a guard.  A beefy Imp in a fancy suit and a split horn, looking serious and crossing his arms.

Both Moxxie and Millie stare as they both think about how to get past the guard with Y/N.  However, instead of thinking of a plan, the hellhound is looking around the lobby, interested in the posters announcing all the functions.

A couple, two tall, bearded imps-looking like lumberjacks-holding hands, walk past them to get to the entrance.

The guard looks small compared to the size of both Imps.  They show their tickets to the guard and he steps aside to let them pass, however, the theater attendant notices the backpack one of the burly Imps is carrying.

Guard: Wait, let me see your backpack.

Both Lumberjack Imps look at each other, and irritated open their backpack.  The guard looks at it and puts his hand inside. 

M&M look at the situation curiously.

After a few seconds the guard meets the couple's eyes, raising an eyebrow.

Guard: What the fuck is this?

The Imp who owns the backpack pulls out a huge shiny unknown object for Y/N.

Woodcutter: It's a chainsaw, we come from wor-..

Guard: Not that.. what's next to it.

The Imp's partner approaches and takes the other object from the backpack confused.

Lumberjack: The chips?

Then the guard's eyes flare with fury.

Guard: You can't eat food inside the theater, assholes!!

Before even the woodcutter Imps could respond, the guard jumped on them and beat them to a pulp countless times like a wild animal.  Moxxie winced every time that pair of Imps received a blow.  The fight finally broke up and the Imps couple ended up screwed on the carpet.

M&M started backing up slowly before grabbing Y/N and running away, hiding behind the wall just before the corridor began. 

Moxx leans his back against the wall terrified of that guard while Millie and the little hellhound lean out to see him.

Moxxie: Fuck it!  There is no way to sneak Y/N in. 

The Imp crouches to face the pup.

Moxxie: Kid, you're going to have to wait while we enter the thea-

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