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Blitzø gapes at the chaos in his house.  He went out for a couple of hours to think and now that he's just back, everything seems to be upside down.

Just a couple of steps in front of him are photo frames lying face down on the floor, books, his precious horses ornaments and markers next to the wall where he hangs all his family photos and drawings, those walls are full of scribbles, made for a little girl.

There's toilet paper all around the room.  The Imp, concerned of the chaos, runs to his horsies decorations and puts them back to their place, checking that they don't have any damage, luckily not.  He sees a lamp on the floor that luckily didn't break either, but got a couple of scratches.  And he sees there are pans on the floor too.

Blitzø changes his expression from shock to one of fury, and growls like a dog, knowing who's responsible for this shit.

Blitzø: KIIIIID!!

He goes to the kitchen to see what a mess she made there too.  There are pans on the floor and all the cutlery in the sink, the drawer where the cutlery is supposed to be is on the floor and the floor around it is full of scratches, did she throw ALL the cutlery on the floor?  And by any chance no knife fell on her?  No?..

Wait... what if she USED the cutlery to eat something?! Blitzø runs to the fridge panicked and opens it in a hurry, worried that she finished all the food, but no one had laid a hand on it.  Well .. luckily he gave her some dinner before he left..

Blitzø sighs in relief, but his anger returns as he wonders what else she did while he was gone.

He runs towards his sofa, but on the way he finds his clothes thrown and wrinkled, he then notices his open closet, where the little vandalist snooped through his things.  Blitzø growls like a dog and foam comes out of his mouth when she sees that some of his clothes have toilet paper, luckily clean, around them.  WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE DO IN THE BATHROOM?!

Blitzø runs in that direction preparing for one more shitty mess.  But the bathroom seemed untouched... except for the toilet paper that was lying everywhere.

Now all the paper he had to wipe his ass was dirty and useless.  That is the straw that broke the camel's back for the Imp.

Blitzø: Are you FUCKING kidding me?! Doesn't that girl know how expensive toilet paper is?!  I'm going to hang her with her own intestines!!

The pissed-off Imp stomps through all the mess the young hellhound made, ready to force Loona's bedroom door to go after the little girl and give her a spanking.

His determination to discipline that kid is so strong that he ignores everything that's thrown around, stomping on everything.  He mumbles the consequences he wants to give to the disrespectful gray furball.

Blitzø: I'm gonna spank that kid and it's not gonna be those spankings that turns you on, and then when her ass is sore, she's got to put everything back in its place, and whatever she broke she's going to fix it...

He puts his hand on the door handle of Loona's room, about to start forcing it to get in, but before he makes an effort he hears a soft snore next to him.  He stops, and slowly directs his gaze towards the sofa where he sleeps.

Y/N is sleeping on her back, with a white sheet covering her face. Her figure being only visible by the light of his TV turned only showing static. Her sleep is so deep that she wasn't woken up by Blitzø's screams upon arrival.

Blitzø turns off the TV as he wrinkles his non-existent nose in disgust after seeing her sleeping so comfortably on HIS sofa.

Blitzø: Oh no. Absolutely not! Get down from there, you'll fill it with fleas!

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