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For Y/N the training days became routine. Training bare-knuckle fighting with Blitzø, learning how to use firearms with Uncle Moxxie, body building and obstacle courses with Auntie Millie, and learning how to use her hellhound abilities with Loona. However, with his sister there have been... inconveniences.

A couple of weeks have passed. Blitzø's arm has improved to the point where he no longer needs to wear a sling, and now he's in his office trying to make the business prosper after seeing that some clients didn't seem happy about hiring a group of hitmen in which the boss couldn't do much because of his injury. Although by this point, the Imp may've once again gotten distracted for some reason.

Following orders, M&M are in the meeting room, entertaining themselves. Moxxie's concentrating on writing a score for a love song while her wife searches on the app "The Sultry King" for some new sex toys she can use for her husband.

Meanwhile, Y/N is in front of Loona's desk, her eyes closed, moving her ears as she listens to her sister taking an object out of the trash.

Loona: Whose was this?

The little hellhound sniffs, but not sensing anything special, her eyelids part a little. Loona's hand immediately covers them again.

Loona: No cheating.

Y/N whimpers in despair and boredom, stomping the floor.

Y/N: I don't knoooow! I only smell coffee! Is it from dad?

The adult hellhound sighed grumpily, at least the kid knew how to distinguish the coffee from the paper cup she chose, but that's not what she asked for.

Loona: No..

Y/N: Oh, I give up!

Y/N separates her sister's hand and moves it away so she can see the cup, discouraged that she hadn't guessed.

Loona holds the cup up to her face, as if the answer was so obvious.

Loona: It's from Moxxie.. How could you confuse Moxxie's smell with Blitzø's? I mean, it would be understandable to confuse it with Millie's smell, those lovebirds stick to each other in a disgusting way, but with Blitzø?!

Y/N: Ugh, daddy's smell is with them everywhere too, even in their house!

The cub crosses her arms and turns her back on Loona, walking angrily towards the sofa. The adult hellhound processes what the fluffy flea told her and nods, admitting that she has a point. However, she shakes those thoughts from her mind.

Loona: Still, little rat, you have to use your nose way more.

The pup let out another long, exaggerated groan as she sat upside down on the couch, her pointy ears skimming the carpet.

Y/N: It's easier to see things than to smell them!!

Loona: Not if you can't see them.

Loona walks to the couch and sits next to Y/N, looking around to make sure no one's watching or listening, then speaks to the pup in a low voice.

Loona: If you'd used your sense of smell back in the human forest you would've detected those psychopaths earlier and you'd have been able to run away from them more easily.

Y/N: I WAS using my nose! It's just that everything in there had new smells and it confused me.

Loona: And with even more reason you have to train that nose of yours and use all your hellhound skills.

Another lazy sigh comes from Y/N's muzzle as she slides down, falling off the couch with no desire to get up.

Y/N: ..... I don't wanna.

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