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Y/N nearly trips over a stone as she runs away into the dark forest, panting tiredly with her tongue hanging out. She runs as fast as her legs allow her. Although she's tired, she refuses to stop, as she hears the human footsteps approaching her.

The hellhound does everything she can think of to lose him. She doesn't run straight and change directions, crosses thorny bushes even though it hurts, she walks on tiptoes to try not to leave footprints.. But no matter what she does, Ralphie's a great tracker.

Not knowing what to do, the cub runs frustrated at not knowing how to escape from the human, or how to help her family in trouble.

As if things weren't so bad, Y/N suddenly hears some gunshots, but they aren't coming from the direction the burly human is chasing her, but from somewhere else.

The thunderous noise of the gunshots are enough to make the young hellhound skid to a stop and cover her ears in fright. But she worries more when a voice echoes in the distance in a sing-song voice.

Martha: I know you're hurtin', little devil!

"Little devil" That's a nickname she already heard from the human. Does that mean that voice and shots come from a human too?! Y/N's heart leaps upon understanding that she's surrounded. She can't run anymore, or she could bump into one of them. Who knows how many evil humans are in this forest?!

Y/N looks around desperately. If she can't run, she must hide. She hurries to the nearest tree, an oak, and with the strong momentum of her hellhound legs, she manages to leap with enough force to grab onto a low branch.

The pup silently thanks Millie for her advice that comes in handy at a time like this. And remembering her training, Y/N clings to the branches and starts climbing them, like the rungs of the monkey bar.

She hears the branches rustle and creak slightly as she climbs, she carefully holds on to these, pleading Satan that none of them breaks.

The cub's motivation to climb grows as she hears the human's sing-song voice luckily receding in the distance.

Martha: I promise, that I can make that pain go real quick! Just come let Mama Martha put a bullet in your pretty little skull!

However, her luck ends when a thin branch breaks when she puts all her weight on it.

The little hellhound suddenly felt as if her heart was jumping out of her chest when she didn't feel anything to step on, but her reflexes made her cling to something that squeaked, to prevent her from falling.

Seeing how far the ground was and not being able to step on a branch to lean on, the hellhound looked up to see what she was holding onto. Her pupils contract when she sees a hairy creature with long ears turn to look at her and squeal loudly, showing its fangs, making Y/N yelp in fright.

The animal opens its strong black wings and flies off, letting go of the branch and the hellhound, making her fall.

She screams as she falls, and to her luck, hitting her back against a falling branch cushioned the impact of a longer fall onto the grass. Small bits of branches fall on and around her. Y/N stands up carefully, rubbing her lower back, when she hears the footsteps approaching her again, but this time, they're closer, her screams gave her away.

Back to the first plan, Y/N runs again, trying to get away from the strong footsteps without looking back. Her blow to her back, her exhaustion and her sore feet would make her stop, but once again, her fear gives her enough strength to keep running.

She trips a few times over her own feet, but before falling to the ground, she uses her hands to support herself and keep running, sometimes on all fours, until she regains her balance and can run on two.

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