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Blitzø and Moxxie return to IMP Headquarters after a long day at work, both Imps having their sleeves and hands soaked in the blood of their most recent victim.

Moxxie: Millie~ We're back-!

The relaxation with which the employee arrived from work vanished when he saw there was no sign of his wife, only Loona was at the headquarters.

Loona's as always attached to her cell phone and doesn't even greet the newly arrived imps.

Both Blitzø and Moxxie knew that Millie would be going out to train Y/N, but they didn't think they'd take that long, let alone after the shooting range fiasco.

Blitzø: Loonie, haven't you gotten any calls from Mills?

Loona: Nope.

Loona doesn't even turn to look at her adoptive father's face as usual, answering him with disinterest. Blitzø narrows his eyes irritated, knowing that even if Millie had called, her daughter wouldn't say anything to him out of a desire to annoy.

Moxxie: That makes no sense..

Moxxie looks for the cell phone from his pocket but before touching it, he notices his bloody hands, so he goes to the office bathroom to wash them before dirtying his belongings.

Moxxie: I hope they didn't run into a creep on the way home.

However, before the Imp, worried about his beloved, could check if he received any messages, his boss beat him to it when he checked his own cell phone without caring about staining it with blood.

Blitzø: Nah, I have a message from her from 10 minutes ago, she says they're on their way. We're gonna have to wait for them to arrive so I can pay you all.

Moxx sighs in relief as he tries to wipe some of the blood off his sleeves before it dries. Although he's still using the sink, his boss walks into the bathroom with him and puts his hands over Moxxie's to wash them too. Some of the blood that drips from Blitzø's hands drips onto the sleeves of his employee.

However, the boss is unfazed by the hateful look of his employee while he speaks.

Blitzø: You worry too much Moxx, you know? I mean, you should know that no jerk, mentally ill, AIDS pervert, psychopath, serial killer would ever be able to touch a hair out of your hoe.

As he speaks, Blitzø washes his hands, sleeves, suit, and inadvertently also his cell phone with the water from the sink.

Blitzø: I mean, come on, how do I get to know Millie better when you're her husband?

Moxxie begins to growl when he sees that his boss is meddling in their relationship again and Loona snickers from her desk, but prefers to change the subject than discuss the same thing again without changing anything.

Blitzø: I mean, I thought that the attention and corniness that you dedicated to her was to compensate for your baby wiener but if you can't even do that-..

Moxxie: Sir, you're ruining your cell phone.

Hearing this, Blitzø forgets to make fun of his employee and sees his cell phone soaked, clean as fuck, but dead. This being his third broken cell phone in the month.

Blitzø: Fuck.

Both Imps know that getting another phone means more expenses, which won't help the business.

Moxxie: You should be more careful with your stuff, and not break them all the time, sir.

However his boss is too proud to admit his mistake in front of anyone.

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