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Y/N receives a broom and a dustpan aggressively, she almost falls to the ground from the force in which her older sister handed her both objects.

Loona: Clean.

Back at the office, once the fire's been extinguished, Loona sits at her desk after putting the grimoire in a drawer.

Y/N looks around the place, the wallpaper is even more worn than before, some furniture is burnt and broken, the fish tank is still on the floor, the carpet in the place is burned, and everything is full of ashes.

The environment is still filled with the smell of smoke and yet, Loona hopes the little hellhound will clean everything up.

Y/N looks at the broom her sister gave her and wrinkles her nose.

Y/N: I'm not going to train today?

Loona: This is your training, clean everything up before Blitzø arrives.

Y/N: How can this be training? It's sweeping!

Loona: I don't know! Discipline or some bullshit like that, just clean.

The little hellborn pouts sullenly, but begins to sweep, collecting as much ash as she can in the dustpan, which, seeing the place... will take forever.

Y/N: I hate sweeping...

Loona knows that the hellhound foundation puts every pup in there to clean since they're little, so there's no reason for the fluff to bother her for a while.

However, after so many active and new training sessions for her... Y/N wants something more. Something other than this.

As the little hellhound brushes off some of the ash that landed on her grayish almost black nose, she turns to look at Loona, who is -to her surprise- using her cell phone.

What catches her eye, however, is the small drawer behind her desk that she knows contains a certain magical book.

Now THAT wouldn't be as boring as this. That new world with humans is... captivating for her. She HAS to go and see it.

She has seen her sister use that book a thousand times, surely she can use it easily too, although it won't be easy to take that book near Loona, she forbade it. She must find a way to get her hands on that book! And the first step... get closer to the book.

Y/N begins to sneakily sweep towards her older sister while trying to whistle, which fails wildly.

She just ends up spitting around the place making irritating sounds to the receptionist. But hey, whistling isn't her main goal right now.

When Y/N arrives to sweep by Loona's side, before she can think of a plan to take the book without her noticing, her older sister made her job easier by getting up and heading to the meeting room so she wouldn't stand close to her, listening to her failed attempt at a whistle.

Seeing she's finally alone in the office, Y/N drops the broom and dustpan whose noise is muffled by the carpet and opens the drawer, revealing the huge blue and gold magic book.

She takes it and hides under the desk, leaving only her feet bobbing up and down and her tail wagging in excitement at her mischief.

The little hellhound opens the book to a random page, she looks at the writings, but doesn't understand them. Whoever wrote this has very bad penmanship. Or of course that's what she believes when she doesn't understand what's the runic alphabet.

Y/N begins trying to open the portal to the world of the living by flicking all her fingers rapidly over the pages of the book, hoping something magical will happen, but it doesn't.

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