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The door of the tower building is opened by Y/N, who managed to open it after a strong push.

After taking a while to get all the way down in the elevator by pressing all the buttons out of curiosity, the cub finally faces the outside.

As soon as she sets foot outside the building, she's scared by a car that passes quickly and noisily in front of her, that car leaves just as fast as it arrived, leaving behind it the smell of smoke from a running engine.

The young hellhound hardly breathes the smoke, she coughs and covers her nose in disgust while her eyes water from said repulsive smell.

She was excited to accomplish her mission, but after being scared by that car, Y/N gets a reality check seeing what IMP city really is like through her own eyes.

An inhospitable city, full of garbage, bad smells, crime, dirt, many noisy cars and a car engine smell that fills hell with a cream of pollution. Making an incredible contrast in what little she's seen of the world of the living.

When she walked through the city with Moxxie or Millie, her excitement about knowing what her training would be, and seeing her mentors, made her distracted enough not to look so closely at the city.

However, the hellhound pup doesn't intend to retire. Her training today may not be in an open field or a safe room, but it's still a mission. She doesn't plan to disappoint Loona or her dad! So even if the city looks ugly without the company of a mentor by her side... she gets going.

Of course..she doesn't really know where to go.. Her older sister just told her that there were many.."liquid shops"?..around the city, but she doesn't know exactly where.. Oh well!

Y/N shrugs and heads the only place he can think of to go... forward.


An hour has passed, and Y/N advances on the sidewalks of the street, just as Moxxie taught her the first time she went for a walk in the city, without stepping on the street, just the sidewalk.

She looks around, observing all the buildings, looking for that store where the imps sell those kinds of bottles whose name she already forgot.

She walks and walks, several blocks away from where she came from, but every so often she looks behind her to make sure she can still see the IMP horned building she came from, to make sure she didn't get lost, just like Loona recommended her... in her own way.

However, she was already getting too far away, the horned tower was beginning to be covered by other buildings as she advanced further. The young hellhound begins to worry as she carefully looks at each building or store where she can find that drink.

She can't give up now! Her sister is counting on her! And also her dad, and her mentors! She must complete this mission for the sake of I.M.P!

Arriving at the end of the block, right in front of the street, between so many noisy cars that go by at full speed, she finds, thanks to Satan, a liquor store.

Y/N: Yessss!!

Loona was right after all, it's not that hard to find one of those, Y/N only had to walk about 74 blocks. The kid wags her tail excited to finally see said store, showing off the drinks through the glass at the entrance, and she approaches the edge of the sidewalk.

She waits to cross, but several cars keep rushing by, giving Y/N no time or space to cross and get to the store.

Confused, the young cub approaches the pedestrian crossing and among so many cars speeding by, she manages to see that on the other side of the street there's a traffic light with the bright red image of a standing demon.

Y/N: Oh right!

Y/N then remembered going back to the office with Millie. It was night and some of those lights were in front of them. Millie didn't let her cross until the light was green. Then she understood she must wait for the little glowing demon to change its posture and color.

She plants her feet on the edge of the sidewalk and stares at the light, unblinking, waiting for it to change. As if staring at it would cause it to change faster.

In a matter of seconds the traffic light changes, causing the glowing demon to turn green and her stance changes to one in which it's running.

Y/N nods and prepares to cross the street, but she missed a detail... This is hell, no one respects traffic laws! And without a crooked cop around, to ticket demons just to make some money, the cars won't stop and keep on rampaging at full speed.

The young hellhound stands there, lowering her ears worried, not knowing what to do to get to the other side of the street.

Maybe she could keep walking around the block and see if she can find any other bottle shops on a street that isn't as busy and dangerous as this one, there are plenty of those shops in hell right?.. But.. Y/N looks behind her.

The horned building is hardly visible anymore, she can barely see the tip of a tower's horn among so many constructions. If the kid keeps moving forward and changing direction... she might lose sight of the tower and not know how to get back... and she knows it.

Besides, who knows how much longer she'd have to keep walking. She looks at her sore feet, gray not only from her fur but from the grime of the city after walking so much in it...

Y/N: My feet hurt.

The idea of ​​continuing to walk to who knows where to find another store makes her feel lazy. So she decides to go the fast way. If Loona made her go alone, it's because she trusts her!

Y/N: I can do this..

She stretches as if she were about to start a training session, looks towards the street, takes a deep breath, thinking once again of her family and mentors to motivate herself... and with a battle cry, she runs forward.

When crossing the street, the cub looks for any empty space to run directly into it. Going back and forth on the street to dodge all the cars that went by quickly, which instead of stopping, just honked their horns and leaned out to hurl insults at the hellhound.

Y/N's battle cried changed to scream of terror as she sees a huge car approaching her like a monster.

The adrenaline she's feeling makes her jump to the side and close her eyes, hoping not to get hit by the huge, smoke-scented metal monster.

While on the other side, the Imp inside her car, instinctively swerved, causing it to collide with the car next to it. Their thunderous crash happens at the same time the young hellhound falls to the ground after the jump she took.

Feeling the cold and dusty concrete floor, Y/N opens her eyes, touches her face, chest, and hips with her hands, and stands up from the floor, looking around. She is on the bench. The young hellhound smiles excitedly and wags her tail.

Y/N: I didn't die? I DIDN'T DIE!!! I GOT TO THE OTHER SIDE!!! And it's not the other side of when you die!!

She dusts off her pretty dirty red dress, and looks behind her to see the liquor store in front of her.

The young hellhound smiles determined, while her eyes shine, determined to complete her mission.

Y/N: Time to complete the mission!!

Y/N heads towards the store without looking back. Ignoring the disaster she caused behind. Now no car is running on the street since the two Imps that crashed are blocking the street. They're surely fine!

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